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Fake European Union lost its independence

Such messages are distributed through social networks and hostile telegram channels. It says that the EU has rapidly lost its independence due to assistance to Ukraine, and therefore is unlikely to be able to further claim the role of a state institution. Like, Russia destroyed the remnants of the collective West in each country, so they are deprived of sovereignty. It's a lie.

The experts of the EU vs Disinfo project say that the European Union is a sovereign entity created on the voluntary initiative of European nations, and it has its own independent foreign policy.

EU Member States are sovereign countries and make sovereign decisions on their own domestic, economic, foreign and security policies. The European Union is clear on national sovereignty: “Member states remain sovereign and independent states, they have decided to pool some of their “sovereignty” in areas where it makes sense to work together”. That is, there is no question of any loss of sovereignty and independence.

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