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Fake Defense Ministers of Ukraine and Lithuania divide the territory of Ukraine between neighboring states

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that the ministers of defense of Ukraine and Lithuania divide the territory of Ukraine between neighboring states - Hungary, Romania and Poland. As proof, the authors add to the publication a photo where, supposedly, flags of other countries are located on a large map of Ukraine. It's fake.

The case was examined by the VoxCheck fact checkers, who determined that the photo was edited in a special editor. There were no cards in the original photo. Using a reverse image search on Google Lens, fact-checkers discovered that the photo was taken during a visit by the Lithuanian Defense Minister to Kharkiv. The minister tweeted a photo from Kharkiv, one of them with Oleksii Reznikov. The Minister of Defense of Lithuania signed the flag, there are no maps of Ukraine and the division of its territories between neighboring states. On a fake photo, for example, signs of editing are visible in several places, the lines of the “map” are unequal.

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