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Fake Britney Spears’ Instagram page banned for Russia-supporting post

Propagandists are spreading information that the Instagram account of the American pop start Britney Spears was blocked for a post in which she expresses support for Russia in the war against Ukraine. Like, this is how American freedom of speech works, oppressing critics. It's fake.

According to a “screenshot” of the post that allegedly banned Spears' account, the singer “believes that Western media coverage of the crisis in Ukraine has the sole purpose of fueling the war”. In addition, she allegedly stated that she believes in “freedom from Western hegemony and controlling capitalist oligarchs [US media]”. At the end, Spears allegedly said that “Ukraine has been bombing Donbas since April 2014 and NOBODY has said a word”.

Analysts of The Insider project drew attention to the fake after it appeared on Russian television. They found out that the post was not real, and the singer deleted her Instagram page on her own, which she does regularly. In addition, the fakeness is indicated by the fact that not a single popular American show business media (for example, TMZ or Entertainment Tonight) wrote about the post. The fake was even refuted by some propaganda media.

Thus, Russian propagandists want to convince that the American elites are gradually turning away from Ukraine, and American freedom of speech is hypocritical. Like, how can the American government help Ukraine if it humiliates its own citizens. However, in this case, the propagandists created a fake that even they did not believe. Detector Media has previously written about other similar messages, for example, that Ukrainians are Nazis because they choose big dogs.

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