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Fake Boris Johnson “did Z” in Lviv at the presentation of an academic degree

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are distributing a photo of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson allegedly “showing a Z letter” during a visit to Ukraine. This happened at Lviv University named after Ivan Franko, where he was awarded an academic degree. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. They determined that the photo had been edited in a photo editor. In the original photo, Boris Johnson has his arms down, while other ceremony participants hold one hand to their heart.

Moreover, in Ukraine, the use of the Nazi salute or “zigging” is prohibited by the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 436) as a public use of symbols of the totalitarian Nazi regime.

Thus, Russian propaganda continues to promote the narrative that there is Nazism in Ukraine, which the Russians are allegedly fighting against. Previously, we refuted the fake news that in the Azovets children's camp children read Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

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