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Manipulation America does not benefit from the victory of Ukraine

Such information is disseminated by Kremlin resources with reference to analyst Brian Clark and his article “If America Pushes For A ‘Total’ Ukraine Victory It Could Mean Nuclear War” at 19FortyFive.com. Like, Washington wants to have stable relations with Russia, it does not need the victory of the Kyiv regime in the Ukrainian conflict, since it could lead to a nuclear war with Russia.

On the 19FortyFive website, there is no single position on the direction in which the policy in the field of US national security, international politics, military analytics, etc. should be lined up. This is a kind of platform where experts with different opinions can express themselves, including those that do not coincide with the official position of Washington.

The article presented by Russian propaganda as the position of the United States is only the opinion of one of the analysts specializing in US foreign policy. In his article, Clark does not claim that the United States considered that the victory of Ukraine was not beneficial for the United States. The analyst reflects that if at first Russia was perceived as a serious adversary, and it was concluded that Ukraine would not be able to defend itself against such a rival for a long time, now the positions have changed.

In fact, the United States does not stop declaring guaranteed support until the victory of Ukraine, and US national security adviser Jake Sullivan noted that Russia will have to leave everything occupied in Ukraine.

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