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Fake Al Jazeera reports that Ukrainian football fans were detained due to Nazi graffiti in Qatar

Russian propaganda media massively spread the news that Ukrainian football fans were detained in Qatar during the World Cup because they added a "Hitler mustache" and Nazi congratulations "Sieg Heil" to the championship symbol. All news links to a video allegedly created by Al Jazeera, the TV channel. But this is fake.

As the StopFake fact-checker found out, this video is neither on the TV company's website nor on the channel's social networks. The photo of Ukrainian fans used in the video first appeared online at the beginning of the year. It was used in several Ukrainian media publications on the semi-final of the European Futsal Championship 2022, which was held in Amsterdam on February 4. Also, the fact-checkers write, the intro of the video is different from those that Al Jazeera usually does.

In addition, there is no mention of the detention of Ukrainian fans in foreign English-language publications.

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