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Fake After the explosion at the Rivne NPP, a fire allegedly broke out with a release of radiation

Propagandists are spreading information on social networks that massive missile strikes on the Rivne NPP have damaged all power units and significantly increased radiation levels. In particular, rumors are being spread that the radiation background in the area of the NPP allegedly exceeds permissible levels by many times. However, this is a fake.

This was noted by specialists from the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. In particular, the photo of the fire, actively spreading on the Internet, was taken during a fire at a warehouse in Tashkent in 2023, and not at the Rivne NPP. This was confirmed by journalists from the Raion.Varash publication, who conducted their own investigation. In addition, National Atomic Power Generating Company Energoatom, the Ukrainian company responsible for nuclear energy, officially denied these rumors. They confirmed that no emergency situations occurred at the Rivne NPP, and all nuclear units are operating normally, without exceeding the radiation background.

The dissemination of such fakes serves to sow panic among the population, cause fear and destabilize the situation in Ukraine. Such fakes are used by the enemy to reduce the morale of Ukrainians, increase social tension and undermine trust in official sources of information.

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