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Fake A spontaneous memorial was allegedly created on Tysa to the men who died while trying to cross the border

Russian propagandists are distributing images allegedly taken on the banks of the Tysa River. They say they show a spontaneous memorial intended to commemorate the men “shot by border guards” while illegally crossing the Ukrainian border. In the water one can see flowers, paper boats, as well as the inscriptions “Tysa - Sticks” and “Forgive us all”. Propagandists also claim that these images were published by the news agency Reuters. However, this is not true.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to the case. They found that although the images contained Reuters watermarks, they were not found on the agency's website. A search for the name of the photographer listed in the posts containing the images, Horatiu Negrescu, did not return any results. Moreover, there are no sources confirming the existence of such a “memorial”. The screenshot distributed by propagandists indicates that images from the Tysa River were published on the Reuters website on May 26 and were included in the Photos of the Day section. However, this section appears on the site only on weekdays, and May 26 was a Sunday, therefore, the image for that day was not published. On Monday, May 27, the column included three photographs from Ukraine, showing the consequences of the shelling of the Kharkiv region and the actions of the Ukrainian military. Thus, there is no reliable evidence that these photographs were taken near the Tysa River - it is likely that the attackers created the photographs anywhere and added the Reuters logo in Photoshop.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and cause panic among the local population. Detector Media also refuted other fakes on this topic.

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