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Fake A fake video about the atrocities of Russian troops is being filmed in Hostomel

These messages are being circulated on social media. Allegedly, cameramen are filming people in warm clothes running against the background of destroyed cars and buildings. This is not true.

According to the fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project, in fact, the video shows a fragment of the shooting of a documentary film about the Russian-Ukrainian war. The video was posted by a Tik-Tok user in August 2022. The Associated Press found out that he was a casting assistant for the documentary "Region of Heroes", the filming process of which was posted online. In a comment to the news agency, he confirmed that he posted a video from the set.

The film is produced by the Ukrainian production company IDEAFILMS with the assistance of the State Film Agency. It consists of film reconstructions of five real stories of residents of the Kyiv region under occupation. On the company's Instagram page, there is a photo of the same location as in the video, but from a different angle.

Propagandists are trying in every way to hide the atrocities of the Russian army in the temporarily occupied territories.

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