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Fake A bot has been launched in Ukraine where one can complain about a neighbor who always has electricity

They write on social networks that a bot “Find the violator” has been launched in Ukraine. The main goal of the bot is to collect “denunciations” against neighbors. That is, anyone who lacks electricity can write to the bot information about a neighbor whose light is on all day or whose washing machine is running.

Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project analyzed the case and determined that no official bodies reported the launch of such a bot. The bot does not check the address that the user enters and does not ask for personal information, including the city or at least the region.

There really is a “Find the Violator” bot on Telegram. However, it was probably created by Russians to ridicule Ukrainians or by other users for humorous purposes. And the propagandists presented it as if some official services had created such a bot.

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