Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 09 March, on the 1109th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake In Paris, a bridge was allegedly renamed in honor of the Red Army

Social networks add that the city authorities of Paris allegedly decided to rename the Aval Bridge to the Red Army Bridge.

“The corresponding decision was made to pay tribute to the Red Army and its important role in the victory over Nazi Germany”, propaganda resources say.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project write that journalists from the French media TF1 submitted a request to the Paris City Council about plans to rename it.

They denied the information and noted that the Paris City Council did not make any decision on a new name for the bridge, especially in honor of the Red Army. They haven't even considered this issue, although city council members regularly consider proposals to rename buildings and streets in the city.

Fake In Kharkiv, they plan to mobilize female graduates of medical universities

Social networks in the Russian segment claim that the Kharkiv Territorial center of recruitment and social support published an announcement on its website. It notes that local authorities require female graduates of the National Pharmaceutical Academy and the National Medical University to register for military service.

Propagandists say that there is already panic among graduates, because they are probably planning to be sent to the medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the backdrop of “catastrophic” losses.

VoxCheck specialists found out that the fake robs did not even provide a photo of the so-called advertisement about which they wrote in their publications. And the Kharkiv Territorial center of recruitment and social support replied that there are no such announcements on their official page, that is, the information from the Russians is absolutely fake.

And on the pages of the National Pharmaceutical University on social networks there is no mention of the announcement of the military registration of graduates.

Fake Ukrainian children will allegedly be “given away” to other people’s families abroad

Russian telegram channels report that women with medical and pharmaceutical education in Ukraine were required to urgently update their data at the Territorial centers for recruitment and social support. The authors of the message claim that women will soon be caught and sent to the front, and their children will be sent to other people's families in Western countries.

VoxCheck analysts explained: doctors and pharmacists should indeed register with the military from October 1, 2023, but registration with the military does not mean mobilization or the establishment of restrictions on traveling abroad. The Ministry of Health emphasized that registration is necessary only to summarize data on the existing reserve of doctors in the country. Even the travel of this category of women is not limited.

Women can be drafted into the army only with voluntary consent, that is, forced mobilization is prohibited. Cases of forced mobilization of women were not recorded even before the adoption of the relevant law. Moreover, the situation of a child being left without guardianship, since both parents have been mobilized, is simply impossible. Indeed, according to the law, persons who have a minor child/children and a spouse who is already serving in military service are not subject to mobilization.

Fake A restaurant in Rome allegedly introduced the “Devil Zelenskyi” pizza

A photo of a so-called advertising sign for the Roman pizzeria Locanda alla Romana is being circulated online, in which they present “Diavola Zelenskiy”  pizza stuffed with “ammunition and body parts of Ukrainian military personnel”.

VoxCheck analysts explained that there is no such advertising, and that pizza with that name simply does not exist. There is also no mention of this on the restaurant’s official social media pages. Also, checking the billboard photo using the FotoForensics tool found that the text and image of the pizza were most likely added to an existing photo.

Among other things, the restaurant department assured that they had never created such an advertising image.

Fake Ukraine allegedly set a limit on cash withdrawals of up to 100 UAH from an ATM for men of military age

Russian media are distributing a photo where the ATM screen allegedly reports a cash withdrawal limit of 100 UAH per day for men of military age. To cancel restrictions, one needs to update their data at the nearest Territorial center of recruitment and social support.

The case was examined by VoxCheck analysts, who found out that the image had been edited, because the original photo did not show an ATM dispensing cash. Propagandists used a photo of a PrivatBank self-service terminal - the terminal only accepts cash and does not issue it. Moreover, through a reverse search, Google was able to establish that the photo appeared on the Internet back in 2021. This was a negative review about a malfunction of the self-service terminal in Pervomaisk.

And the official website of PrivatBank does not indicate a limit on cash withdrawals of 100 UAH per day. Currently, one can withdraw up to 100 thousand UAH per day from hryvnia and foreign currency accounts in Ukraine.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.