Spilnota Detector Media

Manipulation Anonymous telegram channels administered by Russia's intelligence services are trying to sow doubt and discredit the Ukrainian military.

So they write that the situation with power outages and accidents at substations in Kharkiv is not so clear. Allegedly, the mayor blames the Russians for this, but anonymous telegram channels claim - "it is not clear."

Manipulation Anonymous telegram channels administered by the Russian special services write that Ukrainian troops are mining cities en masse.

At once, they warn civilians to be careful, they say, "be careful and do not let the children go, or they will explode, and they will then say that this is a sabotage group."

Manipulation A phishing attack has begun against Ukrainians.

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said that the Russian FSB, under the guise of the Security Service of Ukraine, sends phishing letters of non-existent evacuation. The letters contain links to files of an indeterminate nature. Under no circumstances should you follow links, open attachments, or install anything.

Manipulation “Detector Media” readers report that unknown persons are joining the group chats of apartment buildings’ residents in Telegram and Viber.

As of now, there’s such information about several chats of residential buildings in Kyiv. It’s important to verify new members, as propagandists often use this tactics to collect information and spread fakes.

Manipulation Russian Telegram channels are trying to prove that the devices and tags that the Ukrainian military is calling to being destroyed because the enemy is using them to bomb are not dangerous.

Anonymous reporters are trying to label everything to confuse Ukrainians about what needs to be identified and destroyed.

Manipulation Renat Kuzmin said that Ukraine started this war 8 years ago.

As stated in the message of the People’s Deputy from the pro-Russian party Platform — For Life, “Alexander Turchynov started the war in Donbas eight years ago, disguising it as the ATO.” In the same message, Kuzmin called the events during the Euromaidan an armed seizure of power and summed up that “we are to blame for everything that happens.”

However, the ATO in Ukraine started in 2014 not to fight against Russia, but to repel Russian aggression. Already on February 24, 2022, after a full-scale attack by Russia, the Verkhovna Rada supported the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. Three hundred People’s Deputies voted for this decision. On February 24, Ukraine severed diplomatic relations with Russia. On February 25, President Zelensky called on Putin to sit down at the negotiating table.

Manipulation Armed Forces of Ukraine started Ukrainization.

People's Deputy of Ukraine from the party Opposition Platform for Life Vadim Rabinovich claimed that Ukraine had chosen the wrong time for that. Thus, the people's deputy reacted to reports from the Verkhovna Rada that the Ukrainian military communicates exclusively in Ukrainian. "Sprehenführer Kremin should be pleased — it's nonsense that the Russians are ten kilometers from Kyiv, and the core point is that the soldiers do not speak the language of the aggressor," — wrote Rabinovich.

In fact, the message about the language of communication of the military appeared so that the Ukrainians could better identify the fighters of the Ukrainian army.

Manipulation A pro-Russian politician Yevgeny Muraev insists that negotiations with Russia are needed right now and in any case.

He adds that it will be a capitulation, not a negotiation, as it was necessary to agree on neutral status, implement the Minsk agreements, and recognize Crimea as Russian "eight years ago." And now, the conditions of capitulation will be stricter. Also Muraev has previously called for the recognition of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR". Now he calls Russia's war against Ukraine "trials that must be seen as opportunities".

Manipulation Propagandist Tetyana Montyan spreads false information that "the Ukrainian Armed Forces should be blamed for the destruction of the residential buildings in Kyiv".

Similar information is being spread by many other Russian propagandists. They claim that the Ukrainian authorities are happy with the destruction and casualties only to be able "to shout about Putin's barbaric punishers".

Manipulation Telegram channels spread the video message supposedly from the former member of the National Corps. He said that "his brothers laid down their arms" and spread the message which said, "We were preparing for 8 years and lost it all after 2 hours".

The press center of the National Corps denied the fact that this person had ever been a member of the National Corps. According to the press center, the National Corps didn't mention it publicly because they thought it wasn't worth such attention.

Manipulation A phishing attack <a href="https://t.me/verkhovnaradaukrainy/5892">has started</a> against Ukrainians.