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Fake In Poland, anti-Ukrainian billboards were found

Russian publications distribute photos that allegedly depict a billboard with the Polish words “To nie jest nasza wojna” (This is not our war) against the background of the Ukrainian and Russian flags. The poster also features prosthetic legs wearing khaki trousers. According to propagandists, the poster symbolizes Poland's desire “to distance” itself from the war. It's fake.

StopFake and mythdetector.ge report that this photo was taken with the help of the Mediamodifier website. On it, one can insert any photo into the billboard template and the image search confirms this. The basis of the template is one image.

With such messages, Russian propaganda wants to illustrate Poland as an enemy of Ukraine, and that Polish people are tired of the war. The narrative about “Poland the aggressor” is one of the most widespread in Russian propaganda at the moment. By spreading such messages, Russia seeks to reinforce the view that even Ukraine's most loyal partners in this war are getting tired of it and will soon stop helping with money and weapons.

Fake In Brussels, they created a graffiti with Zelenskyi “devouring” tanks

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels are circulating a photograph allegedly taken in Brussels. Like, a group of artists from Poland made a new drawing that continues the series of their work on the streets of cities. It's fake.

There is no such graffiti. Propagandists write that a “group of Polish artists” had previously created graffiti about Zelenskyi in Madrid and Warsaw. However, the photos of these graffiti were created with photo editors. Just like the fake graffiti in New York and Paris.

Thus, Russian propaganda uses ridicule tactics to discredit the President of Ukraine. Like, Zelenskyi is despised and ridiculed abroad, so Ukrainians should be ashamed of their leader. Propagandists also stir up internal disputes because of the likes and dislikes of Ukrainians towards Zelenskyi.

Disclosure Fake correspondence about “the sale of a Ukrainian boy” for intimacy was spread on the network

In closed Russian telegram channels, a message was circulated that it was allegedly possible to “agree” on several hours of intimacy with an “orphan from Ukraine”. Like, the cost of such a “service” is 250 thousand rubles. These messages also made their way into the Ukrainian segment of the telegram. The messages also supposedly contained screenshots of “correspondence” about the “transaction”. In particular, it was about the participation of the child in the filming of porn videos. The interlocutors describe the age of the boy as “going to school soon”.

Dmytro Lubinets, an Ombudsman, published a post with screenshots on his telegram channel and turned to the National police with a request to find out the details of the case. The National police denied the information. From the primary sources, the message about the “sale” of the child was deleted.

The cyber police of Ukraine found out that the child, whose photo was used to create a fake, was really born and lives in Russia. The boy, under the supervision of his mother, works as a model and advertises clothes and shoes, so his photo is freely available.

Earlier, Detector Media told how Russian propaganda justifies the deportation of Ukrainian children. According to the latest data, the Russians forcibly deported at least sixteen thousand children (according to other sources, this figure reaches more than seven hundred thousand). The crimes of the Russian army, including those against Ukrainian children, are being investigated by the UN.

Fake Artillery soldier Marharyta Rivchachenko was taken prisoner

A message about allegedly captured Ukrainian soldiers was circulated on telegram channels. The message on the channel said that Marharyta Rivchachenko, an artillery soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the call sign “Sakura”, fired at residential areas of Donetsk with a mortar and was punished for that. The authors of the messages add a likely photo to the publication, which should indicate that Marharyta is in captivity. However, this is not true.

The Kharkiv anti-corruption center investigated this case and contacted Marharyta to refute the fake. She confirmed that she was not in captivity and added that, firstly, she was a press officer, not an artillery female soldier. Secondly, the invaders came up with the call sign of the press officer given in the fake publication. Her real call sign is “Afina” (Athena). Moreover, Marharyta is convinced that the photo, supposedly proof of being taken prisoner, is not real. Since there is neither a face nor the corresponding chevrons that could belong to a fighter.

By spreading this fake, Russian propagandists are trying to show how they successfully fight the Ukrainian army and publish their “trophies” - supposedly Ukrainian military taken prisoner. However, as experience shows, this information is often not true. Also, by constantly spreading messages with prisoners, propaganda seeks to confirm the narrative that the Ukrainian army is weak.

Disclosure On Telegram, fake channels of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to have been created

Reports are circulating on the net that the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly decided to create telegram channels with “official information” about the activity of enemy aircraft and the movement of drones.

The Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine denied this information: “The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not have any telegram channels that reflect the air situation, the movement of enemy air targets, the work of air defense, etc”. The department also urged administrators running fake pages on social networks not to use official Air Force symbols or photos of officials to promote their information platforms.

Official information platforms of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kpszsu

Telegram: https://t.me/kpszsu

Instagram: instagram.com/air.force.ua.official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KpsZSU

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfg-2zTad5ZVU1fQEtT6DSA

Fake Ukrainians wish death to Russian children

Anonymous telegram channels and propaganda media distribute photos of chocolate bars produced in Ukraine. The wrapper depicts a boy in a communication helmet with a mourning ribbon. Allegedly, the chocolate is called “Alioshka's death”. They say that the real boy Oleksii from the Belhorod region of Russia, who greeted the Russian military, became the prototype of the cover. Now they want him to die for it. It is not true.

This photo is fake. It was first posted on a pro-Russian Twitter account. The description noted: “Ukrainians wish death to a child because he is proud of his country”. According to the Center for strategic communications and information security, the account is a channel for the distribution of anti-Ukrainian and anti-American propaganda in English. A significant part of the publications are memes, collages and other graphic content. Further, the fake was spread by other pro-Russian accounts. The story about the boy was indeed in the Russian media space in the spring of 2022. Russian TV channels filmed stories about him, including about the boy's meeting with the Russian military and a photo shoot in military uniform.

Russian propaganda has used the symbolism of the image of a child proud of its defenders to dehumanize Ukrainians in the eyes of Russians. Propaganda has already used similar tactics to promote the message that Ukrainians want to destroy all Russians, including children.

Fake In Kyiv, they offer a promotion for the military - the third coffin for free

The Russian media and social networks are allegedly circulating a screenshot of an advertisement for the Kyiv ritual service “PE Priadko”. The advertisement refers to a “special promotion for the military and their families” with an offer to buy two coffins and get a third one for free. The reports also note that funeral services are one of the most “prosperous” areas in Ukraine. It's fake.

Funeral service “PE Priadko” did not order advertising with such content. Advertisers encourage the audience to join the group and stay tuned for future promotions. That is, advertising is focused on distribution in social networks. However, StopFake journalists found out that the Facebook and Instagram pages of Priadko's Funeral Service in Kyiv have never created advertising campaigns. There is no information about the “promotion” on the official resources of the ritual service either. The photo shared on the web has been edited with photo editors.

Thus, propagandists once again resort to emotional pressure on Ukrainians and manipulate the topic of losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Earlier, Russian propaganda spread messages that a new morgue was being opened in Zaporizhzhia due to heavy losses at the front, they also spread the message that the losses are colossal and they did not even count bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers near Bakhmut. Like, the Ukrainian authorities are lying to the Ukrainians that there are no losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Fake In Serbian Airlines, they introduced the flight “Belgrade - Kyiv, Russia”

Such messages were circulated on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The message says that the board at the Serbian airport shows a flight to Kyiv, but it is indicated that this is a Russian city. In Europe, Kyiv is no longer recognized as Ukrainian. The reports add that the board of the airport also reflects another flight: “Belgrade - Kosovo, Serbia”. However, such flights do not exist, this is not true.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case. According to them, the authors of the messages used special editors to create a photo fake. Analysts are convinced that this is indicated by the following signs:

- flight numbers. Each flight number consists of letters and numbers. The letters indicate the airline carrying out the transportation. Number W64051, which allegedly belongs to the flight “Belgrade - Kosovo, Serbia” really belongs to the flight from Belgrade to Basel, Germany (MLH). A different number is assigned to a flight from Belgrade to Vienna, Austria, but by no means “Belgrad - Kyiv, Russia”;

-use of state names instead of cities. Typically, a flight route consists of the names of cities in which airports are located. However, this board indicates the direction “Kosovo”, although Kosovo is a partially recognized state, not a city. Same with Russia and Serbia, which are states, not cities;

- country flags instead of airline logos. On all flights, the display next to the departure time shows airline logos, except for the first two.

By spreading this fake, propagandists are trying to distort reality and wishful thinking: allegedly Europe no longer recognizes the independence of Ukraine and considers Ukrainian cities to be Russia.

Fake At the Berlin zoo, a sign was hung asking them not to feed the leopards with “Zelenskyi’s idle chatter”

Kremlin media are spreading a photo of a sign purporting to be in a Berlin zoo asking them not to feed the leopards with “Zelensky’s empty chatter because the animals might vomit”.  This information was also shared on social media. Some users are convinced that the zoo is protesting against the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. In the picture distributed by the propaganda media, there is a man with a signboard with the corresponding inscription behind him. However, this is fake.

StopFake analysts conducted an investigation and found that the photo was actually edited. Due to a search using the hashtag #berlinzoo, it was possible to find the original image. There really is a sign there, but it only has the name and logo of the zoo.

Recently, the West agreed on a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, so Russia reacted to it by new falsifications. Prior to this, the Kremlin media called arms supplies to Ukraine a “theatrical performance” and insisted that the West was actually sending scrap metal to the battlefield. By spreading such fakes, propagandists seek to create the appearance that the level of support for Ukraine in the world is declining. Allegedly, everyone is against new arms supplies to Ukraine.

Fake Near Soledar, the American M1 Abrams tank was destroyed by Russians

This message is being spread by propagandists on social networks and telegram channels. The report says that the Russian military near Soledar destroyed the first American M1 Abrams tank from the RPG-18 Mukha. It is not true.

As experts from the Center for countering disinformation explain, the occupiers used an old photo that was not even taken in Ukraine. Moreover, the US has not yet handed over a single such tank to Ukraine, which makes it impossible to destroy it.

Propagandists are spreading this fake in order to distort reality and show that Ukraine is constantly losing and even powerful American equipment does not help, because the Russians are successfully destroying it. Against the background of previously initiated military assistance from the United States, Russian propaganda is trying to convince people that all weapons are ineffective and can be easily destroyed.

Fake Polish TV channel used a map of Poland with Ukrainian territories

Pro-Russian and occupational telegram channels are spreading reports that allegedly a Polish TV channel used a map in which the western regions of Ukraine are depicted as part of Poland when forecasting the weather. A screenshot is supposedly added to the messages. It's fake.

The Polish TV channel denied the information. The picture was created using digital photo editors. As StopFake writes, in fact, the weather forecast studio on the Polish TV channel looks different. The propagandists also used the emblem of one TV channel, and the photo of the presenter from another TV channel. Russian propagandists are systematically spreading the message that Poland wants to seize part of Ukraine.

The government commissioner for the security of the Polish information space, Stanisław Żaryn, reacted to the fake. He noted that Russian propaganda in Poland is mainly aimed at portraying Ukraine and Ukrainians as disgusting and helping Ukraine as an escalation of events, and intimidating Poland into the war.

This is not the first time Russian propaganda has used modified maps to promote its own interests. Earlier they wrote that allegedly on the Ukrainian TV channel they showed a map of Ukraine without temporarily occupied territories; allegedly at the G20 summit they placed a banner with a map of the Russian Federation, covering the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine; allegedly, a map of Russia with Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and the occupied territory of Donbas appeared in Spanish textbooks; allegedly the German TV channel ZDF showed a map of Ukraine without the territories occupied by Russia.

Fake Pregnant Ukrainian women launched a “patriotic” flash mob

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels spread information about the flash mob “Meet me on the battlefield”, which was allegedly launched by pregnant Ukrainian women. Photos and videos are circulating on the net, in which women write “meet me on the battlefield” on their stomachs. Like, this is how Ukrainian women demonstrate that they are ready to educate future military men. According to another version, supposedly this is how unborn children talk to warring parents. It's fake.

Russian propaganda came up with this flash mob. According to StopFake, a photo of an  allegedly pregnant woman who left for Italy due to a full-scale invasion is in the public domain. It first appeared on the Russian social network back in 2021. There are no inscriptions on the woman's stomach, they were made later to create a fake photo.

The video, allegedly from the Italian publication Il resto del Carlino, also uses editing. This footage is taken from the documentary “Mother Ukraine / Pregnant during the war”. The film tells the story of a girl who is going through pregnancy, and her husband is a soldier of APU.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to show the international community that Ukrainians are an aggressive nation. Previously, propagandists manipulated the topic of mobilizing women and children, and also said that pregnant Ukrainian women are given draft notices.

Fake In New York, they created graffiti with Zelenskyi

A photo of graffiti allegedly taken in New York is being circulated on social networks. It depicts locusts, which allegedly symbolizes the President of Ukraine, who “feeds” at the expense of the American budget. It's fake.

In fact, there is no such graffiti. According to MythDetector, the photo was created using special programs. Eyewitnesses confirmed the absence of such graffiti as well. According to experts in 3D-drawing, even after erasing such graffiti, traces remain on the surface that are not in the place where the graffiti should be. Thus, Russian media and propaganda telegram channels are trying to discredit the Ukrainian president. Like, in the world he is considered a clown and is not taken seriously.

Previously, Russian propaganda spread fakes to associate Volodymyr Zelenskyi with Hitler. In addition, propagandists systematically spread messages about fake graffiti and covers of satarian magazines that make fun of Zelenskyi.

Fake In Ivano-Frankivsk, swastika tattoos are removed for half the price

This was written by anonymous pro-Kremlin telegram channels. Allegedly, in Ivano-Frankivsk, a local tattoo parlor offers a special promotion: the removal of a swastika for half the price. The proof is the “photo” of the banner with the announcement of such a “promotion”. This photo was also circulated on the Polish forum.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project checked the shared photo using Google and Bing image search platforms and found that photos of the Tattooirograf tattoo studio, located in the Russian city of Biisk, Altai Territory, were used to create a fake.

In the announcement, the propagandists wrote the word “share” in Russian, not as it would be correct in Ukrainian. By spreading such fakes, Russian propaganda once again wants to nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis. It arose back in 2014, Russian propaganda justified the invasion of the territory of two regions of Ukraine with the so-called Nazism, calling the Ukrainian authorities criminal and illegal. Ukrainians became Nazis allegedly because they “destroy the people of Donbas”, ban the Russian language, hate everything Russian, etc. And the so-called denazification became one of the fictional reasons for the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Fake In Ukraine, they hide the real photo of Stepan Bandera with the German leadership

In social networks and enemy telegram channels, a message is spreading that a probable photo of Stepan Bandera along with the German Nazi leadership has got into the network. Like, he is dressed in the uniform of the Wehrmacht, and even the reward is visible on the bust - supposedly the Cross of military merit. The authors of the message add that this photo is prohibited in Ukraine. It is not true.

Analysts of the Lithuanian project “15min naujenos” say that in reality in the photograph is not Bandera, but Reinhad Hellen, a well-known figure in the army intelligence during the Second World War, and later the founder of the German federal intelligence service. Fact-checkers say that the photo appeared on the web after 2014, in Livejournal, a blogging platform that is popular in Russia.

Propagandists have repeatedly spread fake stories about Ukrainian figures, including Stepan Bandera. The purpose of the fake is to nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis and are aimed at creating an idea of Ukrainian historical figures as exclusively Nazis and collaborators, which at the same time undermines the image of modern Ukraine and its authorities.

Fake In Berlin, they made a graffiti with Zelenskyi in the form of a pimple

A photo of graffiti allegedly from Berlin is circulating on the network, in which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi is depicted as a pimple that needs to be squeezed out. The reports say that the graffiti was allegedly painted by artists from the Polish group Typicaloptical. It's fake.

The MythDetector project fact-checkers checked the information about the graffiti and found that it doesn't actually exist. The place shown in the photo is indeed in Zurich, not in Berlin.

The fact-checkers then contacted the communication manager of the Department of Civil Engineering and Waste Management of the city of Zurich, who confirmed to the specialists that there were no drawings or traces of paint on the square.

By spreading this fake, propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian president and create the appearance that the world community does not support Zelenskyi. Allegedly, if not only Russian propaganda talks about the absurdity of the Ukrainian leadership, but also others, including activists who make caricatured graffiti, then this is true.

In addition, Russian propaganda regularly spreads fake graffiti or, for example, covers with Zelenskyi to humiliate and distort reality as if he is not fully supported.

Fake Humor Times, the humor magazine, dedicated the cover to Zelenskyi as a locust

The allegedly new cover of the comic magazine Humor Times is being circulated online. The cartoon depicts locusts, symbolizing the President, who is eating all the money. However, this is fake.

Fake Olena Zelenska spends tens of thousands of euros on accessories

In the German-language segment of Facebook and Twitter, a photo is circulating, which depicts Olena Zelenska in a private jet. The captions on the photo indicate the cost of things and jewelry that Zelenska allegedly put on herself. In particular, a Rolex watch for 18,000 euros. Also, two Louis Vuitton bags for 20,000 euros each. In posts with this photo on social networks, users write that it seems that the wife of the President of Ukraine spent 40 thousand euros on Christmas gifts for herself during her last visit to Paris in December 2022. And ordinary Ukrainians are dying and begging while she spends money on jewelry. But this is a fake photo: Zelenska's face was embedded in a photo of another real person.

The photo was noticed by the German fact-checkers of the publication Correctiv, who found out that the original photo shows entrepreneur Richard Hart, who posted his photo on Twitter in April 2022.

Disclosure On behalf of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security a fake “memo” is being distributed on the web

This was reported in the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. It recommends using Ukrainian swearing instead of Russian obscenities on TV channels.

To create a fake, they used the old emblem of the Ministry of Culture, which has not been in Ukraine since 2019 (the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy was created in 2021). The authors of the “memo” used the Russian word “mat” (swear word), which is not in the Ukrainian language (there is “cuss words”, “curse words” or “dirty words”).

The list of “recommended terms” includes both samples of Ukrainian swearing and literally translated Russian swear words. Such a selection appeared in Runet in the early 2010s, it can be found in the archives of Pikabu and other entertainment sites.

Russian propaganda systematically distributes fake documents on social networks and instant messengers on behalf of various authorities: the Cabinet of Ministers, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, and regional administrations. Thus, they are trying to undermine the credibility of the authorities.

Fake In Poland, they issued a stamp with Zelenskyi in the image of Hitler

A new stamp, which was released in Poland, is being distributed on social networks. It depicts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi with a mustache similar to that of Adolf Hitler. Social media users ask in the comments if one can send letters with such stamps to Israel. However, this is fake.

In Poland they really issued a stamp with the image of Volodymyr Zelenskyi. However, this is not an official stamp issued by the Polish Post. According to VoxCheck, the issue of such a stamp is an initiative of the deputy of the Krakow City Council Lukasz Wantuch, and not the Polish Post. The funds received from the sale of the stamp are planned to be transferred to humanitarian aid to Ukraine. But a modified image of this stamp is distributed on the web.

Russian propaganda has repeatedly spread fakes associating Volodymyr Zelenskyi with Adolf Hitler. And in such a way the disinformation narrative “Ukrainians are Nazis” is being promoted.

Fake Caricature graffiti with Zelenskyi to have been made in Madrid

A photo of graffiti allegedly from Madrid is circulating on the network, in which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi is depicted as a locust devouring the European Union. The reports say that the graffiti was allegedly painted by artists from the Madrid group Typicaloptical. It's fake.

MythDetector project fact-checkers checked the information about the graffiti and found that this photo was modified using software. In fact, there is no such graffiti in the photo from Plaza de las Cortes in Madrid on December 27th. The source of the fake photos is an Instagram account that continued to distribute fabricated photos of Zelenskyi's caricatured graffiti.

Russian agitprop is conducting a systemic campaign to discredit President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi with the help of cartoon graffiti and fake covers of satirical magazines.

Fake Ukrainian TV channel showed a map of Ukraine without temporarily occupied territories

The network is spreading a screenshot allegedly from the air of the 1 + 1 TV channel, where during the weather forecast a map of Ukraine was shown without the territories temporarily occupied by Russia. This is not true.

In fact, they showed a whole map with the borders of Ukraine on the air. The photo circulated on the net shows the logos of two separate programs at once: “Breakfast with 1 + 1” and “TSN”. VoxCheck fact-checkers found that the still image distributed on the network was taken from the program “Breakfast with 1 + 1” on December 5. This indicates an identical background on the original and edited image. The program showed not only a full map of Ukraine, but they began to tell the weather forecast from the East of Ukraine.

Fake The Cabinet of Ministers sends almost two thousand doctors from the western regions to the war zone

In social networks, allegedly, a photo of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 7 on the business trip of 1,796 doctors from state medical institutions of the “Lviv, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Uzhhorod” regions to medical institutions in Mykolaiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions is distributed. The reports claim that the decision was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, and a few minutes later removed. It is not true.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine did not make such a decision, and a photo of the document was created in a graphic editor. Fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project note that there are many errors in the fake document. For example, the Transcarpathian region is indicated as Uzhhorod region, the norms of official record keeping are not observed. On the website of the Cabinet of Ministers under the number 1363, a decree of December 6 is indicated with a completely different content.

Fake Charlie Hebdo magazine published a cover with Zelenskyi who steals gifts from Jesus’ cri

This cover is distributed in social networks and instant messengers. Like, this is a special edition released on the eve of the festive period. The image shows the cover of December 22, 2022, the issue number 1588. The picture also has a text: “Stop whining, we need it more”. It's fake.

Reuters fact-checkers drew attention to the spread of the fake. At the time of checking, on December 23, the latest issue of the magazine was December 21, number 1587, with a cartoon of the World Cup in Qatar. There is no issue for December 22 on the pages of the publication on social networks. The fake cover was published against the background of the visit of Volodymyr Zelenskyi to the United States. Because of the text in the picture, they hint at a propaganda message that Ukraine is “begging” for help from Western partners.