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Manipulation Zelenskyi “called up” 3,000 US soldiers to war in Ukraine

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say Volodymyr Zelenskyi recently made the decision to call up 3,000 U.S. military reserve soldiers due to “huge losses” in the war. The authors refer to the “edition” of The Babylon Bee. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the Brekhunets (Liar) project took up this case and found that the propagandists really took the news from The Babylon Bee humorous forum and passed it off as information from an authoritative source. Although someone can write on the forum and the moderation rules there are completely different. The site also indicated that they publish fake news and that they are satirical. That is, propagandists distorted the context of the news and passed it off as real.

Russian propaganda systematically nourishes the narrative that regular military personnel of other states, the so-called “foreign mercenaries”, are fighting in Ukraine. Thus, Russian propaganda is also trying to justify the failures of the Russian army. Like, they are fighting not with “weak” Ukrainians, but with “specially trained NATO members” or Americans.

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