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Manipulation US general says Russia is defeating Ukraine in war

Such information is disseminated by the Kremlin propaganda media. They refer to the statement of the chief US general in Europe, Christopher Cavoli, which he allegedly made on the air of the American TV channel TruNews. According to propagandists, Cavoli said that the Russian military allegedly “has not been affected negatively” in the war, and Western media seemed to distort information about the “degradation” of Russian troops. This is manipulation.

According to the fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project, Christopher Cavoli did not talk about the advantage of the Russians in the war and that the Western media distort the facts, moreover, he emphasized that Ukraine is in a good position. Russian propaganda took out of context a quote where the general spoke about the activity of the Russians in the Atlantic Ocean and that it was precisely that part of the Russian military that the war had almost no effect on. “Russians are more active than we’ve seen them in years, and their patrols into the Atlantic, and throughout the Atlantic, are at a high level, most of the time at a higher level than we’ve seen in years”, Cavoli said exclusively about the Russian military in the Atlantic Ocean.

Russian propaganda also said that the general spoke on the TruNews TV channel, but took out of context a quote from his speech to the House Committee. The Media Bias/Fact Check project, which aggregates the assessments of independent IFCN fact-checkers, writes that TruNews is a conspiracy and pseudo-scientific publication that spreads conspiracy theories and hate speech and is an unreliable source of information. VoxCheck noticed that TruNews was spreading pro-Kremlin narratives.

Russian propaganda systematically distorts interviews with foreign experts in order to discredit them. Thus, propagandists are trying to convince Ukrainians that the event does not support our country in the war and sow discouragement among society. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that American General Mark Milli allegedly accidentally praised Russia for “successes” in the beginning of a “special military operation”.

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