Fake "Ukrenergo" has created an application with a schedule of power outages for consumers in cities and villages of Ukraine
Such messages are spreading on social networks. It`s fake.
"Ukrenergo" is the transmission system operator and does not work with consumers; therefore, it doesn't notify when each consumer or small settlement is disconnected. Accordingly, "Ukrenergo" didn't create applications for electricity consumers.
"Ukrenergo" dispatchers only have information about the power system's general consumption level and each power node. Only operators of distribution systems (Oblenergo) have information about the consumption of individual consumers or settlements. They are the ones who disconnect consumers according to the parameters provided by Ukrenergo. So, during crises, Ukrainians should trust only official sources of information.
Throughout power outages, this source is Oblenergo. Only Oblenergo can draw up any schedules of consumer restrictions and information about them or where exactly this information can be found. Oblenergo can report the outage through an announcement on the website, in the consumer's account, or their chatbots in Telegram or Viber.