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Fake Ukrainian border guards allegedly killed a man near the border with Moldova

Propagandists are spreading messages on anonymous telegram channels that the man, whose body was found on the territory of Moldova opposite the Sokyriany department of the Chernivtsi border detachment, a few hundred meters from the state border of Ukraine, was allegedly killed by Ukrainian border guards. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council drew attention to it. They found out from the State Border Service of Ukraine that this information was not true. There were no signs of violent death found on the body of the deceased. In addition, a border representative meeting took place between the Moldovan and Ukrainian sides, at which it was established that the man is a citizen of Ukraine. Representatives of the Republic of Moldova assured that they would inform the Ukrainian side about the causes of the man’s death after examinations.

This fake was spread with the aim of discrediting representatives of the State Border Service of Ukraine and destabilizing the situation in the country. Propagandists seek to undermine trust in Ukrainian border guards by creating a negative image of their actions among the public. Such disinformation campaigns are aimed at increasing tension and mistrust among the population. This is part of a broader information warfare strategy aimed at weakening Ukraine.

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