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Fake The wife of a deceased Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier allegedly must pay 227 thousand hryvnia for his equipment

Pro-Russian telegram channels are distributing a video in which the wife of a deceased Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier allegedly shows a bill for equipment in the amount of UAH 227,115, which she allegedly must pay. The corresponding “document” was apparently signed by V. M. Orel, the military commissar of the Kaniv United City Military Commissariat.

In fact, this information is not true, according to the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. The so-called equipment bill is a fake by Russian propagandists. The first thing one should pay attention to is that today in Ukraine, instead of military commissariats, there are Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support. Propagandists often get caught doing this. In addition, the “document” itself also contains grammatical errors, which are typical for Russians when creating their fakes.

In general, such fakes are spread with the aim of discrediting the military leadership and creating a negative image of Ukrainian defenders. Previously, we refuted information that in private correspondence, military wives allegedly talk about how the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hides large losses and does not pay money to the families of the dead.

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