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Fake The transformation of the children’s hospital in Kramatorsk into a military hospital, “order” of the Ministry of Health

Russian propaganda resources are spreading messages about the alleged decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to turn the only children's hospital in Kramatorsk into a military hospital. They refer to the “document” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where this is indicated. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council drew attention to it. They found out that the document, which is supposedly an order from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, is not real. The Ministry of Health confirmed that such orders do not exist, and the Ministry of Health has no such plans. The document contains spelling errors and does not meet the standards of Ukrainian document flow. Moreover, the Ministry of Health does not have the authority to issue such orders.

Thus, they want to discredit Ukrainian government institutions, in particular the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. They also want panic and mistrust among the Ukrainian population, especially residents of Kramatorsk, regarding the functioning of medical institutions in their region. In addition, propagandists also want to achieve a negative international perception of Ukraine, showing it as a state that does not care about its citizens and children, and allegedly uses medical institutions for military purposes. The goal is to weaken internal stability and international support for Ukraine.

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