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Fake The servicemen of the 93rd Brigade "Kholodny Yar" refused to fight the Russian military.

Russian media spread a fake that soldiers of the 93rd "Kholodny Yar" Brigade refused to continue serving and fighting the Russian military. Russian media spread a fake that soldiers of the 93rd "Kholodny Yar" Brigade refused to continue to fight the Russian military." The news was spread with reference to a telegram channel called Nolodniy Yar, which masquerades as the 93rd Brigade's alleged communications channel. In reality, the 93rd Brigade "Kholodny Yar" does not have a telegram channel - it was not created due to the Russian origin of the social network. At the same time, it is possible to follow the brigade's news on their Facebook page. Representatives of the 93rd Brigade noted, that the telegram channel "Kholodny Yar" was created by Russians in order to try to demoralize Brigade servicemen and their families and to conduct information and psychological operations against the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In particular, this channel often publishes documents found on the battlefield, gaps to the territory of the unit or patches with the names of our fighters, and pass them off as dead.

"This is done in order to sow panic among relatives and friends. Also, the enemy lays out lists of soldiers, as if they were in captivity. They post written complaints of soldiers who refuse to go to the front lines. Of course, in conditions of intense fighting in the many thousands of troops are the following. However, the Russians are trying to pass off individual isolated cases as a mass phenomenon, which is certainly false," said the 93rd Brigade.

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