Fake The Russians listen to the conversations of Ukrainians because of the antennas installed on the houses, so they need to be dismantled.
This information is spread by users of social networks. In particular, in Volyn groups and telegram channels. In such messages, Volyn residents are urged to report the antennas as in the photo to urgently dismantle them, because they seem to be communication retransmitters for the occupants, through which target instructions were transmitted to aircraft in Kiev at the beginning of the war. To such information they add photos of the devices, which should be destroyed. However, none of this is true. As the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets project write, citing data from the SBU of the Volyn region, such information is a fake. "This is a fake. Advise your neighbors and acquaintances to use official sources of information," the SBU noted.