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Fake The rally was held in Brussels, demanding to stop aiding Ukraine

The information about it was spread by the propagandist Russian Channel One. The report states, "while hotheads compete in militaristic rhetoric, ordinary Europeans wonder how to save their budget. 80 thousand people came to a rally in Brussels demanding to stop spending tens of millions of euros on Ukraine and send this money to the indexation of wages. However, it is not true. As The Insider writes, from the beginning of the war to the beginning of June, Belgium allocated EUR 77 million to help Ukraine.

The population of the country at the beginning of 2022 was 11,584,008 people. Thus, 6.65 euros were allocated to each resident of Belgium (in writing: 6 euros 65 cents). Not for a month, but for more than three months. In April, the Belgian TV channel VRT reported that Prime Minister Oleksandr De Cro promised to send a much larger sum to help Ukraine — €800 million — and this money has already been included in the budget agreement approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. In this case, each person will have €69.06 per year. "Probably, the First Channel considers the Belgians so petty that they can make a mass demonstration because of this," the fact-checkers write. In fact, there really was a demonstration in Brussels. People came out against rising prices and the rising cost of living. However, only the First Channel guessed to connect it with the demand to stop aid to Ukraine.

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