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Fake The head of the Icelandic delegation “transferred” to Ukraine a batch of “restraint devices for detaining evaders”

Propagandists continue to claim that on June 2, during the visit of a delegation from Iceland to Kyiv, they handed over “a batch of equipment to increase the efficiency of mobilization”, including “detainment restraints”. The reports are supplemented by so-called photographic evidence from the meeting of officials.

Propagandists cite the words of “the head of the delegation, Bjarni Benediktsson, a female”, who allegedly said: “I am sure that the equipment being transferred will help speed up the recruitment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Beat our common enemy, thank you for protecting the entire civilized world. Sometimes you have to, even if you don’t want to, you have to because I can’t!”

But StopFake fact-checkers investigated the case and found out that, first of all, Bjarni Benediktsson is a man; he became Prime Minister of Iceland on April 9, 2024. And in the photographs, Katrin Jakobsdottir is the previous Prime Minister of Iceland. She met with the President of Ukraine in March 2023.

There was no talk of any transfer of “restraint devices for detaining evaders”; this was an invention of Russian propaganda.

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