Fake The government allegedly allocated significantly more funds for the maintenance of the National Police than for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Propagandists are spreading information on social media, particularly on TikTok, claiming that the expenditures for the National Police of Ukraine allegedly exceed the funding for the Armed Forces of Ukraine by four times. However, this is a fake.
According to the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security, their experts have clarified that in 2025, the state budget allocations for the Ministry of Defense total 1.6 trillion UAH, of which about 1 trillion UAH is allocated for the support of the Armed Forces. In comparison, the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives 438.3 billion UAH, of which 104.7 billion UAH is allocated to the National Police. Thus, the funding for the Armed Forces exceeds the expenses for the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 4 times and for the police by 15 times.
This disinformation is created to discredit the Ukrainian government and divert attention from the real priorities of the budget. Manipulating such figures aims to undermine public trust in the authorities, create internal conflicts, and discredit the government's efforts in countering Russian aggression. The spread of such messages is also aimed at inciting discontent among the military and the civilian population, which plays into the hands of enemy propaganda. Ukraine continues to allocate primary resources to support defense and ensure the army’s needs.