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Fake Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers allegedly got into a fight with a teenager

Pro-Russian telegram channels are distributing a video in which allegedly Territorial center of recruitment and social support employees are fighting with a teenager on the street. Propagandists label this video as “a failed violent mobilization” because a passerby stood up for the guy.

In fact, this video has nothing to do with the mobilization process in Ukraine, the StopFake project reports. It shows two men in olive-colored jackets advancing on a teenager before another man wearing a white hoodie attacks them from behind. However, not a single person in this video was dressed in military uniform or had any identification marks or other elements that would indicate that they were military personnel, and Ukrainians at that.

Thanks to Google's reverse search function, StopFake journalists were able to establish that this video has been circulating online since at least May 2020. And it was filmed not in Ukraine at all, but in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Then the Belarusian websites that published it wrote that the incident filmed took place in Minsk in the Malynivka microdistrict, where two drunk men came into conflict with a 15-year-old teenager.

With this fake, propagandists aim to once again discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine and assert that everything is so bad at the front that they are already starting to mobilize even minors.

Previously, we denied information that the Territorial center of recruitment and social support workers beat up an ethnic Hungarian in western Ukraine.

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