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Fake Russian Telegram channels write that in Lutsk, an Orthodox church taken from the UOC was turned into a laundry

Following the recently adopted bill No. 8371 on the ban on the activities of religious organizations with a governing center in Russia, propagandists have spread information that a church in Lutsk was seized from the UOC and has already been turned into a laundry. As evidence, the authors of the fake add a corresponding photograph.

In fact, this information is not true. Using Google's reverse image search function, it was possible to find out that the photo of the church distributed by propagandists appeared online back in November 2023. And it was taken not in Lutsk, but in the Ternopil region. At that time, the first social laundry was opened in Terebovlia with the support of the Caritas-Ternopil charity foundation. The local city council reported that they opened it in the premises of the parish, which became the winner of a mini-grant within the framework of the project “Development of social service to unite communities to support IDPs and vulnerable groups at the parish level”, operating with the support of CNEWA Canada and Renovabis.

“Today, social laundry is a very relevant service. Because people from dangerous regions of the country come to our community with almost nothing, only some personal belongings. And often such people do not have the opportunity to buy a washing machine for themselves”, said Oleh Prodan, the mayor of Terebovlia.

With this fake, propagandists are trying to discredit the law banning the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and show that Ukrainians are sinners and atheists. Russians call their church “true” and threaten that “sinners” will be held accountable for their actions in another world.

Read on Censor.NET: How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: The theory of “church persecution in Ukraine”

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