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Fake Pro-Palestinian rally in the center of Kyiv

Russian propagandists disseminated information on anonymous telegram channels about an alleged rally in support of Palestine, which took place on Sophia Square in Kyiv. They illustrated it with a video recording, which confirms the protest. The reason for the action was the assassination of Hamas Politburo leader Ismail Haniya in Iran. Propagandists also noted that mass protests are prohibited in Ukraine due to martial law. However, this is fake.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council found out that this news is not true. The video distributed by propagandists was filmed back in 2021 at a pro-Palestinian rally organized by pro-Russian organizations.

Such fakes can create tension between different ethnic and religious groups in Ukraine, causing internal conflicts. Russia is trying to shift the focus away from its war crimes and aggressive actions by creating false scandals in Ukraine. Accordingly, the spread of such fake news is part of Russia’s strategy aimed at undermining stability and discrediting Ukraine in the international arena.

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