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Manipulation NBU will collect data on all payments of individuals

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that recently the National Bank of Ukraine collects data on all payments from individuals (i.e. ordinary people). They say that in Ukraine they collect personal information for their own, possibly selfish needs. The authors of the messages add a reminder letter from the NBU to Ukrainian banks in the publication. This is manipulation.

The department of the NBU denied this information. They explained that the National Bank, in order to strengthen supervision, from December 2022 on a periodic basis receives generalized information from banks exclusively on business entities, payment service providers - legal entities using the services of banks. That is, we are talking about organizations, enterprises (legal entities). There was no mention of individuals in the letter. The authors of the messages simply distorted the contents of the document itself.

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