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Manipulation Moldova prepares for war

Pro-Russian resources write about this. They say that the leadership of Moldova will draw Moldova into the war between Russia and Ukraine, opening a “second front” in Transnistria under the orders of “external curators”. To do this, they seem to have increased the country's defense budget by 50%. The funds will be used to purchase weapons and equipment, and increase salaries for the military. This is manipulation.

The defense budget of Moldova has indeed increased by 50%. They really provide for both the purchase of military equipment and an increase in the salaries of the military. However, this is not a sign of preparation for military action. As the EU vs Disinfo fact-checkers note, according to the Constitution, the Republic of Moldova is a neutral state. This status can only be changed by referendum. However, such a referendum is not planned, moreover, it is not even discussed.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu noted in the summer of 2022 that Moldova remains a neutral country, but will strengthen its defense system as now it is in a very bad state, so the Russian aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the need to re-equip the army.

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