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Fake Kyrylo Budanov received a British passport

Anonymous telegram channels, Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, and propagandists are spreading information that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, allegedly received a British passport along with his wife and two close relatives. These passports were personally brought by Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his last visit to Ukraine on September 8. Ukrainian sources reported this. “A foreign passport provides the Ukrainian authorities with guarantees and protection of NATO countries”, the propagandists explained. It's fake.

The case was examined by fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. In fact, Boris Johnson arrived in Kyiv on an unannounced visit on September 8 to participate in the Yalta European Strategy (YES) forum and went to Lviv on September 9. Propagandists do not provide any evidence that the ex-prime minister brought passports to Budanov. And since Russian propaganda refers to Ukrainian sources, such information cannot be verified.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit representatives of government bodies and cause disdain and mistrust of them. Previously, we refuted the fake that First Lady Olena Zelenska received an Israeli passport, and Kyrylo Budanov is in a coma.

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