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Fake Joe Biden says he is “ready to negotiate with Mykhailo Horbachov” to achieve peace

Such a message was circulated on social networks, including the Georgian segment of Facebook. Reports say that in one of Joe Biden's last speeches, he declared his “willingness to negotiate with Russia and Mykhailo Horbachov” to achieve peace. Like, the President of the United States no longer understands what he is saying and mixed up the names of the presidents. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the MythDetector project investigated this case and found out that Joe Biden did not say that in his statement: neither about negotiations with Russia, nor about Mykhailo Horbachov. As the fact-checkers explain, the White House website publishes statements by high-ranking officials, in particular Joe Biden, regarding a particular event. Fact-checkers were unable to find a statement on the White House website about “readiness for negotiations with Mykhailo Horbachov”. The last statement in which Biden mentioned Horbachov was published on the White House website on August 31, 2022, after Horbachov's death. In that statement, Biden noted that Horbachov was “a rare leader who had the vision that another future was possible and had the courage to risk his entire career for it”.

We recall that earlier Detector Media explained a message in which propagandists claimed that the United States plans to hold peace talks with Russia, since it is America that is waging war side by side with Ukraine against Russia.

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