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Fake In Ukraine they are allegedly preparing to mobilize students, Cabinet resolution

Anonymous telegram channels are spreading information that in Ukraine they seem to be preparing to mobilize students. They will undergo practical training in active military units, where they will be involved in the construction of defense positions, work in command posts and security.

VoxCheck project specialists have established that, according to Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 734, during basic military training, students will undergo practical training in training centers, regional centers for preparing the population for national resistance, police training centers, etc. Until the age of 25, they will have a deferment even after completing basic military training.

On June 21, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 734. It talks about the approval of the procedure for conducting basic combined arms training of Ukrainian citizens receiving higher education and police officers. This military training will consist of theoretical and practical parts. Preparation will become a separate academic discipline, mandatory for boys and voluntary for girls. For students who entered the university on the basis of complete secondary education, it will begin from the 2nd year.

Pro-Kremlin resources continue to promote the topic of mobilization, hinting at the decline of the military, the lack of personnel, that Ukraine needs to “resort” to radical decisions and mobilize women. Anonymous telegrams accuse Ukraine of being a “military meat grinder”, explaining that now it will be impossible to escape “grave”: neither children, nor elderly people, nor women.

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