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Fake In Lutsk, the widow of a fallen soldier was denied a funeral service allegedly because he was from Kharkiv

Propagandists on social networks and media are disseminating information that one of the restaurants in Lutsk allegedly refused to host a memorial dinner for the widow of a Ukrainian military man. It was noted that the reason for this refusal was that the military man was from Kharkiv. When disseminating this news, Russian propaganda either referred to the story of the Ukrainian media - Channel 12, or did not indicate the original source at all.

StopFake specialists decided to check if this is true. They found out that the Channel 12 story, which propagandists refer to, states that the widow of a Ukrainian soldier, Ivanna Tsiukh, complained that a Lutsk restaurant refused to host her funeral dinner. According to her, having heard about the wake, representatives of the restaurant suggested holding it in the “gazebo” of the establishment, and not in the main room. In the story, Tsiukh expressed the opinion that the reason for the refusal was the mournful nature of the dinner, the holding of which, according to her, was contrary to the rules of the restaurant. However, the Ukrainian media story does not mention that the refusal was due to the fact that her husband was from Kharkiv.

StopFake specialists also found a video message from the military wife Ivanna Tsiukh about this incident on her Facebook page. In it, she tells a story similar to what she told Channel 12. However, even here she never remembers that the refusal was due to the fact that her husband had a connection with Kharkiv. There is also a message on the restaurant's official Facebook page in which they explain their refusal to Tsiukh by the fact that they do not have the opportunity to share the room.

Propagandists spread such disinformation to create the impression that Ukrainians despise their army and consider it criminal.

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