Fake In Kyiv, pensioners fight for scarce sugar
A video of a shoving match in a supermarket with the participation of dozens of elderly people is circulating on pro-Russian Telegram channels. This video was allegedly filmed recently in Kyiv.
As fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security found out, Russian propagandists deliberately indicated in the message about the people of Kyiv, even though they are residents of the Russian Omsk. This video is already five years old; in May 2017, a supermarket in Omsk set a promotional discount on sugar (minus three rubles per kilogram), which caused quite a stir among buyers. The video, made in the store, gained hundreds of thousands of views, and local TV channels even made stories about it. In March, the situation repeated itself in many Russian cities. However, it was not the discounts that provoked it but the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the spread of rumors about the future deficit. Russian propagandists regularly turn to the food crisis in Ukraine to intimidate and sow panic among Ukrainians, as well as to show how bad things are in Ukraine. On October 10, when the Russians bombarded the center of Kyiv with missiles, they spread the word that stores in Kyiv seemed to be running out of products.