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Fake In Kharkiv, they plan to mobilize female graduates of medical universities

Social networks in the Russian segment claim that the Kharkiv Territorial center of recruitment and social support published an announcement on its website. It notes that local authorities require female graduates of the National Pharmaceutical Academy and the National Medical University to register for military service.

Propagandists say that there is already panic among graduates, because they are probably planning to be sent to the medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the backdrop of “catastrophic” losses.

VoxCheck specialists found out that the fake robs did not even provide a photo of the so-called advertisement about which they wrote in their publications. And the Kharkiv Territorial center of recruitment and social support replied that there are no such announcements on their official page, that is, the information from the Russians is absolutely fake.

And on the pages of the National Pharmaceutical University on social networks there is no mention of the announcement of the military registration of graduates.

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