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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake In Kharkiv, debtors for utility services are the last to be evacuated

The Russian media are disseminating information that in Kharkiv, debtors for utility services are allegedly being blackmailed by refusing to evacuate.

“We inform you that debtors will be evacuated last, regardless of whether they have a large family or not”, they write on a printed advertisement, the photograph of which was allegedly taken in Kharkiv. The announcement also publishes a list of debtor apartments as of April 8, 2024.

StopFake analysts examined the case and found that the information about “restrictions for debtors” was untrue. There is not a single piece of evidence that similar advertisements are posted in Kharkiv.

Moreover, the city has not been evacuated, so “blackmail by refusal to evacuate” is another invention of Russian propaganda regarding the situation in the city.

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