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Fake In a Vinnytsia kindergarten, a guy’s mouth was “washed with soap” because he spoke Russian

A video is being circulated in the Russian segment of social networks in which a woman states that in a kindergarten in Vinnytsia, one of the teachers allegedly “washed his child’s mouth with soap” because she spoke Russian. As the publications add, after the “punishment” the guy allegedly developed allergic stomatitis, but it has not yet been possible to bring the administration of his mother’s kindergarten to justice.

In the video one can also see several documents, complaints addressed to the head of the kindergarten and to the regional prosecutor's office, as well as a certificate from the dentist stating that the child allegedly developed allergic stomatitis. Complaints on behalf of Olesia Mykolaivna Kovalchuk say that the incident occurred in kindergarten No. 67 “Sonechko”, where a preschool teacher Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk allegedly “bullied” her son.

StopFake analysts explained that this story is complete fiction. Experts turned to the director of the Department of Education of the Vinnytsia City Council Oksana Yatsenko, who denied the authenticity of this story. Oksana Yatsenko stated that neither in kindergarten No. 67, nor in any other preschool institution in Vinnytsia, such a situation never happened.

Analysts also found many inaccuracies in the “complaint statement”, for example:

In Vinnytsia kindergarten No. 67, a preschool teacher named Olena Mykhailivna Panasiuk does not work;

The complaint addressed to the director of kindergarten No. 67 indicated the wrong address of the preschool institution (Vasyl Poryk street, 14 instead of Stelmakh street, 45);

The name of the director of kindergarten No. 67 is also incorrectly indicated. The person indicated in the letter is the head of another educational institution, but no such incidents were recorded there either.

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