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Fake Famous former porn actress Mia Khalifa thanked Ukraine for helping Hamas

Propagandists claim that American porn actress of Lebanese origin Mia Khalifa expressed gratitude to Ukraine for helping the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas. In such “news”, users refer to some kind of recorded conversation with Khalifa, allegedly published by the American publication USA Today. This is fake.

The fact-checkers from the StopFake project investigated this case. Neither Russian media nor social media users provided a direct link to the American media. After checking the information with the fact-checkers of the publications related to military operations in Israel, it turned out that such a conversation was not published either on the website or in the official accounts of this media on social networks. The media only mentioned Mia Khalifa in the context of her support for the Hamas attack on Israel, as well as Playboy magazine's decision to terminate her contract.

Propagandists are trying to support the narrative that Ukraine is supplying weapons to the Hamas group. We recently denied information that Hamas militants are using weapons from Mukachevo.

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