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Fake Fake: the ‘unfit for service’ status has been abolished, which means that everyone will fight

Information is circulating on social media claiming that Ukraine will no longer evaluate citizens' fitness for military service. Allegedly, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has made this decision by disbanding the relevant commissions responsible for such assessments. These claims suggest that the evaluation process for determining military eligibility has been completely abolished.  

“Zelenskyi has abolished medical commissions that assess fitness for military service. Everyone will fight!”, users are writing.

Actually, at the end of 2023, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi actually signed Law No. 12178, which provides for the liquidation of medical and social expert commissions (MSEC) in Ukraine. It was these bodies that established the degree of loss of a person's working capacity (disability). In the case of a positive decision, this made it possible to be released from the obligation to serve in the army. At the same time, the agitprop kept silent that the law signed by the president also provides for the creation of an analogue of MSEC - “expert teams for assessing the daily functioning of a person”, which have already begun their work on January 1, 2025.

The explanatory note to the aforementioned law states that the decision to eliminate the MSEC was related to outdated approaches used by the commissions, and not to the elimination of the ‘service’ as such.

And the final fitness for military service during martial law in Ukraine is determined by the Military Medical Commission, not the MSEC.

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