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Fake Disinformation: Ukrainian volunteers allegedly transferring Russian products from Kursk region to Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers in Kharkiv region

Photos of products allegedly from the Kursk region, which were “looted” by the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, have been distributed in Russian Telegram channels. Servicemen of this unit allegedly transfer products from Russian territory through volunteers to fighters of the same brigade located in the Kharkiv region.

However, this is not true, the VoxCheck project writes. On the contrary, in the corresponding message, the volunteers indicate that the products are sent to the military in the Kursk region, and not from it. In addition, the products have Ukrainian names, and some of them are fresh baked goods, which would hardly be made in a combat zone. Also visible in the photo are various canned goods - they were prepared by Ukrainian volunteers who are helping the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade.

With this fake, the Russians are trying to discredit Ukrainian volunteers once again. Earlier, we refuted the information that Ukrainian volunteers allegedly handed over an exploded trench candle to the military.

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