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Fake Disinformation: new Odesa region logo does not contain elements of the Antichrist’s Seal

Russian Telegram channels have circulated a photo claiming it shows the new coat of arms of Odesa region, stating that it contains symbols of the Antichrist.  

However, this is false, as reported by the VoxCheck project. The image actually depicts the new logo of Odesa region, not its coat of arms. The design elements of the logo represent regional features and have no connection to Antichrist symbolism. Propagandists deliberately cropped the image, omitting an explanation of the logo’s meaning. The elements they compared to the Antichrist’s seal actually symbolize birds, an anchor, and tools of labor, among other things. There is a clear visual difference between the new logo and the Antichrist's symbol.  

The newly created logo does not replace the official coat of arms of Odesa region. It was designed to raise awareness about the region and complement the official symbols, not replace them.  

Previously, we debunked a claim that a priest from Ivano-Frankivsk called Trump the “Antichrist”.

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