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Manipulation Arestovich reveals how the Office of the President manipulates Ukrainians during the war.

Anonymous telegram channels are again distributing fragments of the 2017 interview about the "buttons" to press in order to influence people. The publications don't give the date of the video, which can mislead some of the audience into thinking the interview is fresh.

Besides, one can notice and easily check that in the distributed fragment Arestovich answers to another question of the journalist. According to the cut fragment, the presenter asks questions about means of political manipulation. In the original video, Arestovich searches his Facebook post for the sensitive places people should click on to get the attention of any collective and ask a certain question on the public agenda. As he searches, the host asks the guest how much more Ukrainian propaganda has become compared to Russian propaganda. Arestovich briefly compared, but that moment also did not make it into the edited video. Throughout the interview, Arestovich does mention the Office of the President, but in the context of the so-called MihoMaidan of 2017-2018 - events relevant at the time of the conversation.

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