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Fake A Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee allegedly threatened the woman over the phone to take her away along with her “evader - husband”

Russian telegram channels are distributing a video of a “telephone conversation” between a woman and an alleged Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee. In the video, during a conversation, a Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee threatens a woman to take her away along with her “evader -  husband”.

VoxCheck analysts analyzed the case and found out that this video was staged. The author of the video did not provide any information about the Territorial center of recruitment and social support employee who called, his phone number or a Territorial center of recruitment and social support address.

Previously, we explained the message that they were allegedly recruiting women “massively” from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine because the men were “already tired”. And now Moscow is trying to work on this topic by demonstrating the negative attitude of the Ukrainian leadership towards its citizens. Allegedly, both women and men are already being recruited to the front. But there is nothing wrong with women expressing their own desire to serve. Kremlin propaganda presents such a situation as forced and irrevocable: as if the Ukrainian leadership is ready to “recruit” everyone so that there is someone to fight. Although this is all the absolute will of the citizens.

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