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Fake 64% of Ukrainians do not believe in the return of Ukrainian territories within the limits of 1991, AFP poll

Anonymous telegram channels are distributing a story from Agence France-Presse about a survey among Ukrainians from the European statistical company Eurostat. According to Eurostat results, 64% of Ukrainians allegedly do not believe in the return of Ukrainian territories to the 1991 borders. Of those surveyed, 71% of Ukrainians allegedly “do not believe” that Ukraine will join NATO and the EU, respectively, in the next 5 years. And 77% of respondents are “disappointed” regarding the level of support from the EU and NATO.

VoxCheck analysts explained that AFP and Eurostat did not publish such statistics, because the Russians deliberately created a fake story with recognizable logos. According to current research, a significant part of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine will return territories within the 1991 borders as a result of the war.

For example, in February 2024, the Sociological Group “Rating” conducted an all-Ukrainian survey commissioned by the Center for Analysis and Sociological Research of the International Republican Institute, 2 thousand Ukrainians took part in the survey.

To the question: “In your opinion, what will the borders of Ukraine be as a result of the end of the war?”

45% of respondents answered that Ukraine will retain all the territories it had in 1991. While 16% of respondents said that Ukraine will return only territories occupied after February 24, 2022. In a similar survey by the organization conducted in March 2024, 73% of Ukrainians believed that Ukraine would eventually return all occupied territories.

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