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Manipulation The Pentagon studies enthusiastic Russian technology because it wants to get "advanced technology"

Russian media have reported that Pentagon officials are studying Russian equipment seized in Ukraine, including the Dagger missile, to "copy and get something for themselves." Russian propaganda refers to an article in The New York Times in these reports.

According to StopFake, the American publication did write that researchers from the Pentagon came to Ukraine to analyze Russian technology. However, their trip explores how Russia's military-industrial complex uses Western technology. "Researchers have found that ammunition and equipment, including missile guidance systems and laser rangefinders, contain microchips, printed circuit boards, motors, and antennas manufactured in the United States and the European Union," the statement said. "Currently, several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, are investigating how components of their production entered Russia's weapons systems to circumvent the arms embargo."

Fact-checkers recalled that back in 2014, after Russia's occupation of Crimea, the United States and other EU countries imposed the first restrictions on supplying weapons and selling high-performance computer chips to Russian companies. After the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, an embargo was imposed on the supply of advanced technologies to Russia, such as the export of semiconductors, computers, lasers, telecommunications equipment, etc. At the same time, the NYT material refers to X-101 cruise missiles, Azart radio stations, and reconnaissance drones, but there are no Dagger missiles among them.

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