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Manipulation The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has officially acknowledged that Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova lied about mass rapes in Ukraine during the war

Russian media and social network users spread this statement. To such reports, they add a screenshot of the post of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Pavlo Frolov, which is about expressing distrust of Denisova through stories about forms of sexual violence. Russian-language posts about Denisova also stated that the Rada had admitted that she had lied and fired her. However, this is not the case. In fact, Verkhovna Rada deputies said several reasons for distrusting the Ukrainian ombudsman, including complaints about Denisova's activities, leaks of confidential information, her stay abroad, and low participation in the organization of humanitarian corridors. Denisova was fired not because of released the publication of facts about sexual violence. It has also not been proven that these facts were untrue, so it is impossible to say that there were no such violent cases. Instead, many instances of sexual violence by Russian soldiers are corroborated by victims' stories and documents obtained by international organizations. Read more.

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