Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 22 March, on the 1122th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Ukrainians desecrated a Polish monument

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular in the Polish segment of Facebook. Reports say unidentified women “desecrated” a Polish monument in Opole. Allegedly, the monument was decorated with the Ukrainian flag. So, the authors came to the conclusion that the women were engaged in profanation and desecrated the monument with a “Ukrainian sign”. The authors add video evidence to the publication. The Polish fact-checkers of the Demagog project investigated this case and found out that the organizers of the event filmed on video were a group of volunteers from Opole. They weave camouflage nets and then hand them over to the Ukrainian military. Moreover, the blue and yellow ribbon on the monument, which is visible on the monument, is not the flag of Ukraine, but the flag of the Opole Voivodeship. And even if the monument has a Ukrainian flag, this is not a profanity.

The Ukrainian banner does not contradict the values of the monument itself. It also symbolizes freedom and victory. The organizer of the rally himself noted on his Facebook that the purpose of the rally was to express solidarity with the victims of the floods in Ukraine. Thus, the authors simply tried to demonize Ukrainians, who allegedly desecrate monuments and propagate their values.

Tactics and tools How Russian propaganda uses music to spread anti-Ukrainian narratives

Music and songs have long served as a propaganda tool for many states, political regimes, parties and rulers. Russian propaganda uses musical works of various genres to achieve its goals, to increase the level of “patriotism” among the people and the army. Nostalgia for the Soviet past is one of the key themes in Russian music, which is used for propaganda during the full-scale war against Ukraine.

So, the singer Oleh Hazmanov at a concert in support of the so-called special military operation on March 18, 2022 performed the song “Born in the USSR”. And the song of the group “We are from the 90s” “I want to go back to the USSR” at the beginning of a full-scale war became a hit in the Russian segment of social networks and went viral. Also, in the music used by Russian propaganda, war is often romanticized and promoted. For example, the songs of the same Oleh Hazmanov are often used, such as “Officers” and “Soldiers of Russia”, or the “creativie works” of the Liube group, which is called Putin’s favorite group, are popular.

More than half of their songs belong to this genre, and they, like Hazmanov, are regular participants in propaganda concerts. At such events, the song of the Kino group “Kukushka” (Сuckoo) performed by Polina Haharina is often heard. The song became the official soundtrack of the propaganda film “Battle for Sevastopol” - a joint Ukrainian-Russian project.

In the Ukrainian box office, the tape was released under the name “Indestructible”. After the start of a full-scale war, new works appeared, imbued with hatred for Ukrainians, in particular, with calls for murder. Examples are the work of Wagner group called “SvynoriZ” and the song, which is called the obscene form of the word “Strike”. Russian propaganda “does not forget” about the youth either.

So, even before the full-scale aggression of 2022, hip-hop tracks were released, like “My best friend is President Putin” performed by Timati, and Volodymyr Putin from Slava CPSU, who has been banned from entering our country since 2017 through anti-Ukrainian statements. The most recent example of propaganda among young people is the “work” of the singer Shaman, whose image is specially tailored to this age group. His songs “Let's get up”, “I am Russian”, “Confession” and “My Russia” are gaining millions of views on YouTube among the audience infected with the criminal ideology of “rashism”. The singer combines in his work the image of a “young and modern rock star” with dreadlocks on his head with “patriotic” rhetoric and song themes, more typical for such singers with an audience “over 50 years old”, like Oleh Hazmanov and Hryhorii Leps.

Disclosure Unknown people send phishing emails from ukr.net in order to gain access to email accounts

This was discovered by specialists of the State Service for Special Communications. They explained that the attackers allegedly send emails on behalf of ukr.net technical support, claiming that the user has “fixed” suspicious activity. Attachments are also included as a PDF file called Security Warning.pdf. The scammers send emails to the fake ukr.net technical support email address - account.support.0@ukr.net. The PDF document itself indicates that the email box can be blocked and you should confirm access to the account in order to avoid this. Subsequently, the letter contains a link that you need to “go to”. However, the link directs to a fraudulent site that imitates the web page of the mail service. If one enters their data there, unknown people can gain access to your email box. At the moment, experts are eliminating the consequences of the problem and trying to minimize cases of user data leakage.

Fake Ukraine demands Silvio Berlusconi's legacy to be handed over to it

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that after the death of Silvio Berlusconi, Ukraine demanded that all of his legacy be handed over to it. The authors refer to a statement by Dmytro Kuleba, allegedly saying that Berlusconi was a friend of Putin and would rightly transfer all his legacy to Ukraine. It is not true. 

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, and determined that Dmytro Kuleba did not say this. It's just a made up quote. Berlusconi has been known for controversial statements about the Russian-Ukrainian war. Yes, he accused Ukraine and President Zelenskyi of Russia invading Ukraine. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to this situation by saying that Silvio Berlusconi undoubtedly disseminated pro-Kremlin narratives in this statement. However, this does not give any reason to alienate the heritage from Berlusconi. The children of the former politician will receive it. 

Propagandists speculate on the topic of the forced seizure of property of Russia and its residents. This law was signed by Zelenskyi back in March last year. The law says that they will seize, without any exception, the property of Russia or its residents on the territory of Ukraine. However, we are not talking about third parties. This year, for the first time, the United States allowed the transfer of confiscated Russian assets to Ukraine. These were the assets of the Russian oligarch.

Manipulation Poland “humiliated” the delegation of the Republic of South Africa

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say the Poles provoked a diplomatic row when they prevented the South African President's security service and journalists from getting off the plane in Warsaw. The authors add that such an act is extremely humiliating for Poland, since, first of all, the delegation was sent to Kyiv with a peacekeeping mission. This is manipulation. 

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security notes that members of the delegation violated the rules for entering Poland. Since it was found out at the airport that the guards did not have permits for 12 containers with weapons. At the same time, the Polish Border Service said how the members of the delegation themselves were allowed to leave the plane, but they decided to stay on board. That is, the delegation was not previously detained without reason, but because of the lack of permits for weapons. And even the delegations were allowed to disembark only on the condition that the guards would not take undeclared weapons. Also, the Commissioner for the Security of the Information Space of Poland assured that if the delegation had all the permissions, there would be no problems.

Disclosure Unknown people spread information about cash “payments” from Ukraїner

The information was recorded by journalists of the Ukrainian studies project Ukraїner, who found out that unknown people create clone pages of their publication and distribute advertisements about cash payments. So far, fraudulent activity has been recorded on Facebook. Attackers launch advertisements in which, on behalf of Ukraine, they urge people to go to outside resources in order to receive a cash payment. Journalists of the publication note that they do not publish any news about receiving financial payments. And now Ukraine does not hold any active public meetings.

This is a fraudulent scheme by which attackers can steal your personal data. If such advertising happens, Ukraїner  recommends to complain about it. Today, journalists have contacted Meta technical support and are waiting for a prompt decision.

Andrii Pylypenko, Lesia Bidochko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.