Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 11 March, on the 1111th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Military registration and enlistment office representatives encircling Ukrainian villages hand out draft notices and take away cars in favor of the army

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric are distributing a video in which the Ukrainian military allegedly forcibly seize cars “for the needs of the army” from residents of the village of Stare Selo (Old Village), Rivne region. Some telegram channels also write that the military registration and enlistment office representatives have surrounded one of the villages in the Rivne region and are distributing draft notices. The video shows a confrontation among policemen, people in camouflage and civilians. It's fake.

This case was noticed by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. They determined that the event recorded on the video took place in the village of Stare Selo (Old Village) on April 7 and the event did not concern the service of draft notices or the confiscation of cars for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the press service of the National police in the Rivne region, the National police, together with the National guardsmen and representatives of the Regional security service, conducted 9 searches at the places of residence of those involved in criminal proceedings opened on the facts of illegal mining of amber, illegal handling of weapons and ammunition. In the video, we see how “the police seized 5 kilograms of amber, vehicles and other material evidence relevant to the case”.

By spreading this fake, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the army. Analysts of Detector Media have repeatedly analyzed cases related to Ukrainian mobilization. For example, they refuted the case that the Ukrainian media allegedly published an infographic that shows the percentage of mobilized citizens in the regions of Ukraine.

Disclosure How Russian propaganda explains that Russians will soon be given electronic draft notices

In early April, Russia adopted a large package of amendments to the Federal Law “On military duty and military service”. In the previous edition, the law allowed military registration and enlistment offices to send draft notices by registered mail. Now they have adopted an amendment that allows serving electronic draft notices on the website of the Russian “state services”.

According to Meduza, the Russian media received “recommendations” to cover the bill. The author of the “recommendations” is the Russian Ministry of Defense, and they allegedly “quickly correct the shortcomings of the military accounting system that they discovered in 2022”.

Russian propaganda should explain to conscripts that “the new system is human-oriented, convenient, minimizes direct contacts with military registration and enlistment offices and the possibility of errors”, and “those who deliberately evade military service do not fulfill their constitutional duty, and it should be clearly understood that they will be held accountable”, and “a person who has run away from service cannot be in more privileged conditions than a person who is fulfilling their constitutional and civic duty”.

Thus, propagandists want to smooth out the reaction of society to the adoption of new norms. The very adoption of the new system seems to be connected with rumors about the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian troops - Russia should counter something in response, for example, “millions under arms”. Earlier, Detector Media wrote about the manual of the Russian media on how to cover “partial” mobilization.

Fake Joe Biden did not recognize British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the airport

Similar theses were heard on the air of Russian propaganda TV channels. Like, Biden came on a visit to Ireland and the UK and seemed to pass by the British Prime Minister, “disparagingly waving to Rishi Sunak, mistaking him either for a lackey, or for a bearer. Instead of the prime minister, he greeted a general”. It's fake.

The Insider drew attention to the fake. In the story itself, the Russian correspondent notes that it was not some kind of general, but a lord lieutenant, and they were not at the airfield, but at Belfast International Airport. Chicago Sun-Times journalist Rummana Hussain points out in one of her articles that the video has been edited. In fact, in the full video, Joe Biden briefly spoke to Rishi Sunak and shook his hand before going to say hello to other officials.

As Rummana Hussain writes, “Right-wing Americans were suddenly crying racism, outraged that the Democrat Biden had the audacity to snub a Brown man. Some on the left who also fell for the deceptive footage were equally perplexed”.

By spreading such fakes, the propagandists want to once again discredit the US President, accuse him of racism and convince everyone that he is “behaving inappropriately”. Earlier, Detector Media denied a number of fakes about Joe Biden, in particular, that he allegedly asked the “invisible man” not to jump during his speech.

Fake Hungarians living in Ukraine ask Budapest to “protect them from Ukrainian genocide”

This message appeared in the Russian propaganda media. According to it, the Hungarians not only asked to be protected from the Ukrainian genocide, but also seemed to have begun preparations for a referendum for the annexation of certain regions of Ukraine to Hungary. With a request to create Carpathian Rus in the west of Ukraine, the Transcarpathian Rusyns and Petro Hetsko, the head of the international center “Matytsia of the Rusyns”, allegedly turned to Moscow. It's fake.

As StopFake analysts note, the Russian news itself does not talk about Hungarians, but about Rusyns. Also, these statements are fake, because they were made by Petro Hetsko, the head of the international center “Matytsia of the Rusyns”, who does not represent the interests of the Rusyns in Ukraine, has been in Russia since 2014 and has been put on the international wanted list. In 2019, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison because he campaigned for changing the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Thus, propagandists are trying to spread the opinion that Ukraine will disintegrate in the near future, and its territories will be taken over by Western countries. Earlier, Detector Media wrote about a fake spread by Russian officials that Poland would soon take over the west part of Ukraine.

Manipulation Ukraine “gives” all uranium to Canada and destroys its energy security

Such information is disseminated in the Kremlin propaganda media. Russian “experts” criticize the agreement between the Ukrainian company Energoatom and the Canadian company Cameco to process Ukrainian uranium to produce nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. But they insist that the export of uranium from Ukraine does not guarantee the proper operation of the remaining nuclear power plants. It would be more convenient to cooperate with Russia. This is manipulation.

As StopFake project analysts found out, Ukraine does not give its uranium to Canada, but sends it for processing. This is necessary for the production of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

That is, the thesis that Ukraine gives Canada all the uranium mined on its territory is not true. However, Ukraine sends it to be recycled. This is necessary in order to increase the level of safety and energy independence of nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

Newspeak How Russia blurs reality with a newspeak: “nationalists”

Moscow is trying to demonize Ukrainians, attributing to them so-called nationalist views, calling them right-wing radicals, Bandera, and so on. According to Russian propaganda, after the so-called “coup d'état”, “nationalism” became the official state ideology of Ukraine. Like, free-thinking is prohibited in Ukraine, and everyone who does not obey the state ideology will be punished.

Russian propaganda appeals to the Ukrainians and calls them nationalists to hint at supposedly radical views among civilians. Russian propaganda deliberately exaggerates the weight of those who hold nationalistic views in Ukrainian society, describing them as sharing views with representatives of nazi Germany and mocking Russian supporters. Allegedly, Ukrainians have become hostages of other Ukrainian nationalists and should, for example, deny everything Russian, hate Russians and the Russian language. All is in order, first of all, to split society and create camps of “us” and “them”. Later, the manifestation of something Ukrainian in society - language, culture, customs - was labeled as “nationalist”.

Propagandists equate Ukrainians with the so-called nationalists, because in Ukraine, on the contrary, publicity and free-thinking reign, so Ukrainians do not deny their identity, moreover, they do not refuse to declare it. At the same time, the term “nationalism” itself is not something bad, but is characterized by loyalty and devotion to one's nation. For Moscow, the manifestation of originality is something “terrible”, because it is more difficult to keep people around their ideology. Gradually Ukrainians refuse Russian products, language, traditions, etc. And this is not a manifestation of nationalism, it is a sign of a conscious Ukrainian society choosing its own independent path.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.