Fake The Russians used the "newest laser weapon" for the first time in Belgorod
Russian telegram channels, in particular "voyenkory", as well as a network of telegram channels controlled by Russian intelligence, spread dozens of messages about the use or preparation for the use of the "newest laser complex - Peresvit".
The messages scared the readers of the unknown but catastrophic consequences of the use of weapons, while the "voyenkory" rejoiced and waited for rehabilitation after the defeats in the Kharkiv, Kherson, and Luhansk regions. And they spread photos of light poles shining into the sky - both in Belgorod and in other cities of Russia, for example, Moscow. Some media even described how the laser complex "blinded the NATO satellites" and stopped working.
However the propagandists spread a fake: in the photos taken in the cities of Russia, one of the most common types of the halo is a light pole. It is a natural atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when light reflects off microscopic ice crystals in the air, mostly from the Sun and Moon. Halos come in almost any shape, with nearly a hundred varieties recorded, but the most common is the circle around the Moon and the pillars of light at sunset. Moreover, pillars can arise from other light sources, for example, powerful lighting devices.

Little else is known about the Russian "newest laser complex". Putin announced its appearance in 2018, and hypothetically this complex should interfere with the operation of satellites functioning at an altitude of up to 1.5 thousand kilometers, but there is no reliable data on the testing or use of this complex, as well as evidence that it exists at all.