Spilnota Detector Media

Fake The Russian Defense Ministry showed a video of a kamikaze drone destroying American howitzers

Such a thesis along with the video was spread by Russian propaganda media referring to the Russian Defense Ministry. The video, which the publications add, allegedly captures the moment "when American M777 howitzers and a Ukrainian artillery crew are hit by the Kub drones-kamikaze." The reports also stated that "after the strike, the Ukrainian military tried to hide in the woods. As soon as they hid their howitzers and tractors there, artillery struck the forest. All equipment and American howitzers were destroyed," propagandists wrote. However, this video is fake. According to StopFake, Russian media edited two videos into one in order to falsify the "destruction of American howitzers. A number of reasons point to this fake: the inconsistency of the footage with the May seasonal weather, geo-positioning, and the absence of footage of broken Ukrainian equipment in the video. More details.

Fake Due to the abolition of financial aid, Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic will soon have nothing to eat

Russian propaganda media spread this message. Reports say that refugees from Ukraine who left for the Czech Republic will soon not have money for food due to the abolition of financial assistance from the state. The Russian media clarify that this situation will arise due to changes in the law Lex Ukraine, which regulates the residence of refugees from Ukraine in the Czech Republic. According to the publication Nashi Groshi, the changes have indeed been made, but not as reported by Russian sites. For example, the Russian newspaper Novy Den notes that humanitarian aid of 5,000 Czech korunas (about 200 euros) now will be paid only once and only after registration in one of the municipalities. "At the same time, the website does not mention that the aid will be canceled only if the refugees already have free housing and humanitarian aid (provided with food and hygiene). That is why Russian sites are full of manipulative headlines from the category "Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic will soon have nothing to eat" and "refugees will be deprived of benefits if they do not fall into a dizziness," Nashi Groshi wrote. Read more.

Fake A train of military equipment and ammunition was organized in the Odessa film studio

This was stated by Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. "The other day Ukrainian nationalists deployed air defense equipment in the Odessa film studio. The militants of the terror defense forces are going door-to-door to identify residents who adhere to the nationalist logic of rejection," Zakharova said. However, this is a fake. On the page of the Odessa film studio denied Zakharova's words. Also her statement called a fake the speaker of the Odessa regional military administration Serhii Bratchuk on the air of the national marathon. In addition, he stressed that such statements by the Russian Foreign Ministry are an informational alibi for the upcoming attack, which they want to create for themselves. However, he added that the Odessa Film Studio does have military equipment - a rare World War II vehicle that is used during filming.

Fake The British prisoner who was in Bucha did not see any atrocities or murders there

This information was spread by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The publication published a text with the title: "British Mercenary: 'We Didn't See Any Corpses in Buche'" by Valentin Alfimov, editor of the political department. The text states that "Andrew came to Ukraine to defend its independence. But, like other 'wild geese', decided that life was more important after all, laid down his arms and surrendered. Already sitting in his warm office, he gave an interview to "RT in Russian," where he told how the Ukrainians took him to Bucha a couple of days after our units had left there." The text goes on to quote this Andrew as saying that he was in Bucha on April 3-4 and did not see any bodies or destruction there. However, the original interview to which the author of the text in Komsomolskaya Pravda refers says that around April 3-5, Andrew did not see any destruction, but not in Bucha itself, but on the outskirts. He says so: "But, again, we were not in Bucha itself, we were kept in the outskirts. However, Komsomolskaya Pravda and Russian propagandists benefit from another claim that what happened in Buchea was only a decree by the Ukrainian army to discredit the Russian military. In addition, the propagandists constantly manipulate the topic of Bucha and claim that everything was fine there. they also occasionally emphasize that the Ukrainian army intends to arrange a "new Bucha" in various places in Ukraine in order to discredit the Russian one again. However, thanks to these lies the propagandists only seek to justify the criminal actions of the Russian military.

Fake A hospital in Rubizhny was repaired with money from the Kadyrov Foundation

This is the information disseminated by the Russian media. Reports claim that the hospital in Rubizhny, "neglected due to lack of funds and resources," was allegedly repaired with funds from Ramzan Kadyrov's mother's fund. A video showing a tour of the new hospital was also made public on the Telegram account of the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. In that video, the Chechen fighters claim that before their arrival in the city there was "not a single institution that could not provide professional care. However, this is a fake. As StopFake fact checkers write, the infectious disease department of the Central City Hospital in Rubizhne was rebuilt with funds from the United Nations Development Program and the Japanese government back in 2017. Serhii Haidai, chairman of the Luhansk Military Regional Administration, said that before the war, this infectious disease department of the city hospital in Rubizhne had modern equipment and was considered one of the best in Ukraine.

Fake Even the West does not believe Ukrainian propaganda about the loss of one-third of the Russian personnel

Social networks publish a screenshot of the Financial Times publication about Russian military losses in the war in Ukraine and draw attention to the phrase "The statements of the Ukrainian and Russian military cannot be independently verified. Allegedly, this explains that Ukrainian statements are considered false in the West as well. In fact, the statement about the loss of a third of the Russian army, in addition to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, was made by the British Defense Ministry, referring to its intelligence data. The Financial Times refers to the report of the British ministry. The mentioned phrase is rather used to emphasize the sides of the conflict, the Stop Fake checkers admitted the fact. Read more.

Fake The U.S. is attracting ISIS mercenaries to the war in Ukraine

This fake was spread by Russian media and telegram channels referring to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. This is not the first time Russia has claimed that it is fighting in Ukraine against third parties. Earlier, for example, Russian propaganda convinced that it was fighting NATO in Ukraine. Also, the Kremlin media already spread a fake that the U.S. would send former Afghan National Army soldiers to Ukraine. In particular, in this way Russia is trying to justify its defeats in Ukraine, saying that mercenaries have better training, so it is more difficult to fight them - here plays the psychological factor that there is no shame in losing to conditionally stronger mercenaries. Or vice versa, to report on the "destruction of a group" that does not actually exist.

In fact, the U.S. is not going to send American troops to Ukraine at all, as President Joe Biden has repeatedly pointed out. Throughout Russia's war against Ukraine, the U.S. has been providing various kinds of military and medical aid to Ukraine. At the same time, it is Russia that has copied ISIS' methods and tactics for introducing war. Read more about this in the article "European Truth".

Fake Stern published a cover with Zelensky with the title "King of Lies"

The cover of the German magazine Stern with an image of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky allegedly titled "König der Lügen", translated as "King of Lies", circulated in social networks. According to Logically.ai, Zelensky was indeed on the front page of the magazine, but it was published under the title "Held der Freiheit", which translates as "Hero of Freedom".

Fake CNN aired a production that Russian soldiers shoot two civilian men

The Russian Defense Ministry and pro-Kremlin telegram channels spread a fake that a CNN video of Russian soldiers killing two civilian men in Kyiv region was allegedly staged. Russian propaganda compared the video to the events in Bucha; they also wrote that the video allegedly included Ukrainian soldiers or "inconsistencies" in the footage (shadow positions, markings on the car, etc.). StopFake fact-checkers took apart all the propagandists' statements in detail:

1. "It's the Ukrainian military" - a lie. Project Important Stories identified one of the military in the video. He turned out to be Dmitry Lapshakov, a 29-year-old resident of the Peschanka settlement in Chita, serving in the military unit 21250-B of the Russian Armed Forces as a mechanic and tank driver. First Deputy Interior Minister Yevgeny Yenin also said that law enforcement officials had already identified the Russian military who killed the two civilians in the video.

2. "Significantly different shadows in the episodes where the Russian military checks documents and shoots men" - manipulation. The two episodes were filmed on different cameras, located in different places, and consequently captured the event from different angles.

3. "The video does not show the second soldier at the time of the shooting" - a lie. The second soldier can be seen in the footage from both surveillance cameras. In the video from the video camera filming the car dealership courtyard, you can see the silhouette of the military man behind the post and his shadow is clearly visible.

4. "The interior of the security station is different in different fragments of the video" - false. The appearance of the room is the same in different fragments of the video.

5. "Inconsistency in military outfit indicates that the video does not show Russian soldiers" - manipulation. The Russian media themselves wrote in May 2022 that the 6B23 body armor "is most commonly seen in the Russian army."

6. "The Russian army does not have a unit called 'Tank Special Forces RUS V,' as written on the minivan." This is true, although the car is not actually military. Factcheckers say that the inscription on the car was made with paint, probably to mark the civilian car as "theirs."

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Fake Three million Ukrainians want to flee to Russia

Russian media spread a fake from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that allegedly three million Ukrainians "want to flee" to Russia. This is not the first time that Russian propaganda has spread the manipulative thesis that Ukrainians want to "flee to the Russian Federation from the arbitrariness" of Ukraine. Data from the Ukrainian government and international organizations show that Russia has forcibly removed 1.2 million people from Ukrainian territories and forced them to pass through filtration camps. There have also been numerous cases of deported Ukrainians escaping from Russia to EU countries. "A huge part of the Ukrainians recorded in Russia are people who were illegally deported to Russian territory by the Kafirs. The Kremlin, while promoting the narrative of "peaceful Russians" toward Ukraine, deliberately substitutes the concept of "voluntary refugees" and "forced deportation. The illegal removal of Ukrainian citizens from the seized territories is not an evacuation of refugees, but the forced relocation of Ukrainian citizens to the territory of the aggressor country," writes StopFake.

According to a sociological survey by the "Rating" group, 93% of Ukrainians believe in Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia, and 89% support the recognition of the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine as "genocide of the Ukrainian people." "This is why the Kremlin's narrative about 'Ukrainians dreaming of fleeing from arbitrariness to Russia' is based on speculation rather than facts," the fact checkers added.

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Fake Zuckerberg says Facebook is closing down and leaving Russia

A video of Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg with Russian voiceover is circulating in social networks, in which he allegedly says Facebook is closing down and leaving Russia. This video, in particular, was published by the Facebook page of Mytworld. Factcheckers from Mythdetector reported that they used a video from Zuckerberg's interview with American writer Tim Ferris for the fake. In it, the Meta founder talked about the company's long-term strategy, technical challenges, operating principles, etc. So the Russian-language voice-over is fake.

In fact, Roskomnadzor blocked Facebook and Instagram in March, and declared Meta "extremist. Despite the fact that it was Russia that decided to block the social networks, Russian bloggers demanded a billion dollars in "compensation" from Meta for blocking instagram, because they "lost their main source of income. So this video could be part of a narrative about alleged "Russophobia" in the world. The U.S. State Department has previously said that claims of "Russophobia" are seen in a number of topics and are used whenever the Russian government wants to portray itself as a victim while it is the aggressor.

Fake Ukraine is not negotiating a hostage exchange. This information was disseminated by the Russian propaganda media

 This information was disseminated by the Russian propaganda media. In particular, it was voiced on the air of the First Russian Channel. There was a story about the Ukrainian hostages, which claimed that they were in very good condition, had three meals a day and the possibility of personal hygiene and medical care. At the end of the story the journalist said that the Ukrainian authorities are not interested in the fate of the captives at all and do not negotiate with Russia. The My Thdetector project factchecker paid attention to the story. However, none of this is true. Specifically, as of May 6, Russia and Ukraine had exchanged hostages ten times, resulting in the release of at least 331 Ukrainian citizens (including military and civilians). The last time Ukraine and Russia exchanged hostages was on May 6, this exchange resulted in the return of 41 people to Ukraine - 28 military and 13 civilians.

Fake The first group of Ukrainian military from Azovstal came out with a white flag, the defenders began surrendering

 This was the information disseminated by Russian propaganda media this morning. According to the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, Rospropaganda further reported that under the white flag came out the negotiators who are negotiating the surrender of most of the Ukrainian military. "In fact, this "information noise" was only a justification for the possible removal of wounded Ukrainian soldiers trapped on the territory of the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works. Such information 'cover-up' is necessary for the Kremlin for two reasons: to destroy the image of the invincible defenders of Mariupol, who 'did surrender,' and to reassure Russians, who might have been outraged at such a concession by Putin to 'neo-Nazis,'" the Center said in a statement. Recall, the fake that Azov fighters came out with white flags, propagandists have already spread before - on May 8. At that time, Azov fighters explained that the white flag near the Azovstal plant was used to evacuate civilians, which by no means meant that the defenders were surrendering.  

Fake The United Kingdom won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022

The news that the contestant from Great Britain won the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday, May 14, was spread by some Russian media. In particular, the publication "Uralinformbureau. The news on the site appeared an hour after the announcement of the final results of the song contest. The text said that the bearded Briton won, while Ukraine took only fourth place. However, the news did not specify that these were only interim results, which are established by the jury voting, but filed this fact as the final result of the contest. According to the results of the judges' vote, Ukraine, however, took only fourth place, but in the end, after the announcement of the results of the spectator vote, Ukraine was in first place in the standings. Later, the publication deleted the news, but in other texts it continued to manipulate the topic of Ukraine's victory at Eurovision. In particular, it said that the Eurovision organizers had rigged the scores in favor of Ukraine and Great Britain.

Fake Russian hackers conducted a cyberattack on the Lviv City Council

 According to First Deputy Mayor Andrei Moskalenko, hackers stole some of the working files during a cyberattack on the resources of the Lviv City Council on May 13. "The first consequences of the May 13 cyber attack on Lviv have just become known. Russia, in addition to missiles, is using the IT front. In addition to destroying the city's control system, the enemy aimed at obtaining data. Part of the city's working files, contrary to all protection systems, was stolen and published on enemy telegram channels," Moskalenko said. According to him, since February 24, IT specialists have repelled more than 100 attempts of hacker attacks on the Lviv city council.  

Fake Jews seek to rid Ukraine of Orthodox Christians

 In early May, a video showing the opening ceremony of the Jewish Center in Ukraine appeared in the Georgian-language segment of Facebook. The video's description stated that Jews want to turn Ukraine into a political center for world governance. The message also said that the main goal of the Jews is to rid Ukraine of Orthodox Christians. As the My Thdetector project factchecker writes, the video is published along with an excerpt from an interview with Oleksiy Arestovich, an adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine. "There is an inscription on the video, according to which Jewish Freemasons have long been preparing for the settlement of Jews on Ukrainian lands, which the Ukrainian authorities have already openly spoken about. The inscription is followed by Arestovich's phrase: "Those who are not ready for this are shouting today - how can this be, how can you live and bring up your children this way. You need another state; this is the new Israel," the fact checkers write. They explain that Alexei Arestovich's quote is used in the video, taken from an interview he gave to the Feigin LIVE channel on April 11. "Then, speaking about the future of Ukraine, the advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine recalls how Israel and the Arab states survived several wars before realizing that this path was ineffective. He added that this may be the case in Ukraine until 2032-35. He added that only the most resilient people will survive in such conditions, and those who are not ready for this will have to look for another country, as Ukraine becomes the new Israel. Arestovich later clarified this comment, saying that the dispute between Russia and Ukraine is similar to the Israeli-Palestinian issue in that it concerns historical heritage and there is no easy way to resolve it. So Arestovich used Israel only for comparison," the project fact checkers wrote. The photos they add to the publications date back to December 2019 and illustrate the construction of the Jewish center "Beit Mashaya" in Dnepr. With this photo, the authors of the posts wanted to illustrate supposedly that Jewish influence in Ukraine is constantly growing. However, the purpose of the Jewish center is to provide housing for poor Jewish families, not to drive Orthodox Christians out of Ukraine. In addition, the Beit Mashai will house administrative and educational institutions. Read more.  

Fake Cigarettes and alcohol in packages with swastikas are dropped from helicopters on Ukrainian military positions

 Such a fake is spread by the Russian propaganda media. In particular, the publication RIA-news. "Soldiers of the composite regiment of the LNR Interior Ministry, who are serving in Cossack Lopan near Kharkiv, told RIA Novosti that alcohol and cigarettes are dropped from helicopters on Ukrainian military and nationalist positions, whose packages are stylized as food supplied to the German-Fascist troops. Some of these gifts have accidentally fallen on the positions of the Russian forces. The cigarette packages have swastikas and symbols of Nazi Germany on them," the propagandists write. As the fact checkers of the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center project write, this interview begs the question why the Ukrainian military would risk helicopters at all in the Russian air defense zone (after all, Kozachya Lopan is a settlement right on the border with Russia), if there is a road to the AFU positions from Kharkiv. "Other than that, not a single photo was provided by the propagandists. Neither alcohol nor cigarettes. Also in Ukraine since 2015 there is a law "On the condemnation of the communist and national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda of their symbols." According to it, the symbols of the National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regime are prohibited for use in Ukraine, including: symbols of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP), the national flag of Nazi Germany 1939-1945, the national emblem of Nazi Germany 1939-1945, the name of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP), images, inscriptions on events related to the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP)," - write the fact checkers.  

Fake Ukrainian nationalists are shelling Kherson.

Russian propaganda media spread information that after Kherson was occupied by Russian troops, the AFU began "continuously shelling" the city. Such reports add that Russian air defenses "protect" civilians. Kherson, and the shelling of Ukrainians is also carried out from the direction of Nikolaev, in particular, spread such information by the propaganda website Ukraina.ru and calls such actions the point of no return, saying that this is done to scare the region, which is ready to cooperate with the Russians.

However, the Ukrainian army is not shelling temporarily occupied Kherson. According to StopFake, information about heavy explosions in the city center on May 12 was not confirmed by local media, nor was any evidence provided by Russian journalists. At the same time, the Russian army continues shelling the Kherson region, particularly with phosphorus shells, as do convoys of civilians trying to leave the occupied territories. Read more.

Fake The UN confirmed that the Ukrainian military is destroying schools in Ukraine.

According to StopFake, Russian media have decided on a massive campaign to manipulate new United Nations data on the safety situation of Ukrainian children at war. "The pro-Kremlin media, distorting UN information, claimed that the organization allegedly "has in its possession data on the use by Ukrainian fighters of buildings of children's educational institutions for military purposes. The agitprop claims that "as a result of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" there are a huge number of destroyed schools in the country" In fact, the UN did not talk about the destruction of Ukrainian military schools. Read more.

Fake The Russians listen to the conversations of Ukrainians because of the antennas installed on the houses, so they need to be dismantled.

This information is spread by users of social networks. In particular, in Volyn groups and telegram channels. In such messages, Volyn residents are urged to report the antennas as in the photo to urgently dismantle them, because they seem to be communication retransmitters for the occupants, through which target instructions were transmitted to aircraft in Kiev at the beginning of the war. To such information they add photos of the devices, which should be destroyed. However, none of this is true. As the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets project write, citing data from the SBU of the Volyn region, such information is a fake. "This is a fake. Advise your neighbors and acquaintances to use official sources of information," the SBU noted.

Fake Eurovision spokeswoman Ida Novakowska "bent" during the live broadcast to announce the results.

Russian propagandists and various anonymous telegram channels spread information that Ida Novakowska, the spokeswoman for Eurovision from Poland, allegedly used a Nazi salute during the announcement of the evaluations by the Polish jury. In particular, information about Ida Novakovskaya's use of the so-called zig appeared on the channel of Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. The Nazi salute in the Third Reich consisted of raising one's right hand and shouting "Long live Hitler!" (German: Heil Hitler!). The hand was raised at an angle of 45 degrees with the palm straightened: among the higher ranks - half-bent, ordinary and before the senior rank - fully straightened. However, Ida Novakovska did not use the Nazi salute, but raised her hand to show the V sign - Victoria, which symbolizes victory or peace, and shouted "Glory to Ukraine". The presenter also had a yellow and blue ribbon attached to her clothes, the permission to use which was previously agreed with the Eurovision spokesperson and spokespersons with the organizing committee of the contest. However, it is advantageous for Russian propagandists, and in particular Solovyov, to remind their audience once again that Ukrainians are Nazis, and that those countries that support Ukraine are Nazis.

Fake The countries that did not vote at Eurovision 2022 will be excluded from NATO and the EU.

Propagandist Solovyov published such "news", referring to Bloomberg. Recall the performances of the artists from 25 countries were evaluated by the jury and the audience of 40 countries. The national jury evaluated the performances even before the final concert, after the last rehearsal of the artists. The maximum 12 points were given to Ukraine by the jury of only 5 countries and spectators from 28 countries. Among them, there are countries that are not members of the EU or NATO, such as Australia and Azerbaijan. The TV audience vote takes place after all the artists' performances; each committed vote costs the viewer money. Ukraine scored a record 439 viewer points, according to Bloomberg. And the publication referred to by the propagandist is not on the pages of the publication. Which countries voted for Ukraine you can read here.

Fake Zelensky's decree forcing women to "support by all means and forces the spirit of men deterring military aggression in Ukraine.

The fake "Decree on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine and based on the interests of the state regarding the support of relations between men and women", which allegedly supplies all women living in Ukraine to yield to any principles, "to enter into intimacy" and meet the different needs of men deterring military aggression in Ukraine, is spreading in social networks.

Despite the absurdity of the wording, the document contains a number of gross errors in the text, writes StopFake.

This suggests that the document has not been verified and cannot be considered official. As the lawyer of the Institute of Mass Information Roman Golovenko notes, the official decrees of the President of Ukraine should always have a number (which is not present in this document). Also, the date of the decree indicated in the document (March 15, 2022) does not correspond to the date of the Law of Ukraine, to which it allegedly refers (March 18, 2022). That is, it appears that the Decree was signed before the Law came into force. The document also contains a reference to criminal liability for failure to comply with the Presidential Decree, which in fact does not exist. Additionally, Roman Golovenko notes that the term "adultery" is not mentioned in the Family Code of Ukraine at all.

Fake 44 residents of Izyum, whose bodies were recently recovered from under the rubble of a house, died as a result of shelling by the AFU.

This is the lie spread by Russian propagandists. This was reported on Facebook by the deputy mayor of Izyum, Kharkiv region Volodymyr Matzokin.

"Advice to Russian propagandists: if you are already molding fakes, at least try not to use the recipe of g...na. According to the official data of the General Staff of the AFU, Izyum was occupied on April 1, 2022. Occupied by Rashist troops. So what's April 9? Let me give you a hint, the destruction of multi-story buildings on Khlebozavodskaya and Pervomaiskaya Streets took place on March 8-9, 2022. It was done by the barbarians of the Russian army during the capture of the city. About 60 people died and 44 were found. Attempts by such fake reports to destroy the truth will lead to nothing but punishment," Matzokin wrote.

In the story of Russian propagandists on camera speaks a resident of Izyum Serhiy Shtanko, born in 1989. The gray-haired 33-year-old man notes that windows and doors in the house flew out first after the shelling, and that on April 9 at 9 a.m. a tank seemed to have fired and hit the slab. When asked from behind the frame: "Whose side was the beating? From the side of the AFU or Russia?" Shtanko answers: "They were beating from the side of the hunting store, which is 200 meters away. I do not know who was beating them. Both of them could have done it. But ... it was our guys who were beating.

According to him, a total of seven people escaped from the house.

Izyum mayor's office believes that Shtanko was forced to give such an interview under the threat of death.

Beginning March 6, the Russians began intensive shelling and airstrikes on Izyum, destroying the entrances of multi-story buildings and destroying all infrastructure. Izyum has been under Russian occupation for a second month. On May 10, in the temporarily occupied city of Izyum, the bodies of 44 civilians were found dead in the rubble of a five-story building. Among the dead, there are two families of five and two others of three.

Fake . Ukraine infected people in the occupied part of Luhansk Region with tuberculosis using fake rubles.

The Russian Defense Ministry comes up with more and more series of series about "biological weapons" and "insidious" Ukrainians armed with biological weapons at briefings. This time, the Russian military took the old fake about "tuberculosis-infected leaflets" that were allegedly scattered by the Ukrainian military in 2020 over the Slavyanoserbsky district of Luhansk Region - and added new slides to it.

This fake was already refuted back in 2020: then a representative of the LNR Interior Ministry said that fake ruble banknotes were scattered near a district school, which people picked up, and during the day they became ill. The local laboratory seems to have found tuberculosis on these hundred dollar bills. The only real fact in these reports is that the Ukrainian volunteers did indeed spread the leaflets by drone - and did so regularly. The difference this time was that the texts were printed on paper that resembled ruble bills - and therefore attracted more attention from locals. Everything else is fiction: people could get sick for any reason, but tuberculosis is a disease that has a long incubation period of up to a month, so no one can catch it instantly and feel worsened within a day. You can read more refutation of this fake here. But the Radio Liberty article clearly was not read by the Defense Ministry - so they just repeated the fake about "deliberate contamination with counterfeit money" in the Luhansk region.